BAA Journal – Volume 131 Number 1 – February 2021

comparison of BAA Solar Section white-light measurements - Peter Meadows et al.
Observations of Mars & Saturn at the Lowell Observatory in 2018 July - Paul G. Abel & Pete Lawrence
Success for two sample-return missions to asteroids - Richard Miles
Auroral & NLC activity 2020 November 1 – December 31 - Sandra Brantingham
Tycho Brahe and the measure of the heavens (Christianson) - Bill Barton
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Refereed Papers
- 22comparison of BAA Solar Section white-light measurements - Peter Meadows et al.
- 27The brighter comets of 2017 - Jonathan Shanklin
- 37Observations of Mars & Saturn at the Lowell Observatory in 2018 July - Paul G. Abel & Pete Lawrence
- 42The opposition of Mars, 2014: Part I - Richard McKim
Notes and News
- 3From the President - Alan Lorrain
- 3Photograph: The planets in 2020 - Luigi Morrone
- 4Success for two sample-return missions to asteroids - Richard Miles
- 5In brief - Philip Jennings
- 6A Patagonian eclipse - Nick James & Mike Frost
- 8Auroral & NLC activity 2020 November 1 – December 31 - Sandra Brantingham
- 9Novae appear in Cassiopeia & Perseus - Jeremy Shears
- 10Mike Tabb (1939–2020) - Bob Mizon
- 11The Earth-grazing meteor of 2020 September 22 - Alex Pratt & William Stewart
- 12Solar Section - Lyn Smith
- 14Dealing with dew - David Arditti
- 15From the Journal archive - John Chuter
- 16Quiz answers - Marie-Louise Archer et al.
- 32Index to volume 130ttHazel McGee - facing
- 51The Archives From the BAA Archives - John Chuter
- 56Tycho Brahe and the measure of the heavens (Christianson) - Bill Barton
- 57Letterstt
- 58Memories of Dr Edward Yeadon BAA Summer Meeting, 2020 July 4 - Alan Dowdell
BAA Updates
- 52Award for lighting scheme at Wimborne First School - Bob Mizon
- 53Nominations for the Ballot for the BAA Council & Board of Trustees - Bill Tarver
Observers' Forum
- 54Aristarchus – the bands disbanded? - Bill Leatherbarrow
- 55Planetary nebulae in Gemini - Owen Brazell
- 50Membership information
- 53Members elected
- 60Sky notes for 2021 February & March - Nick Hewitt
- 62Meetings diary & small advertisements
- 63Board of Trustees and Council, Session 2020–2021