BAA Journal – Volume 131 Number 3 – June 2021

Reginald Lawson Waterfield (1900–1986), eclipse chaser & comet photographer extraordinaire – Part I: 1900–’39 Martin Mobberley
The 2019–’20 eastern elongation of Venus, Part I: Observations of the dayside - Paul G. Abel
Auroral & NLC activity 2021 February 20 – April 20 - Sandra Brantingham
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Refereed Papers
- 145Sunspot groups without active region numbers - Peter Meadows
- 158Reginald Lawson Waterfield (1900–1986), eclipse chaser & comet photographer extraordinaire – Part I: 1900–’39 Martin Mobberley
- 171Noctilucent cloud over Britain & Western Europe, 2019 Ken Kennedy
- 175The 2019–’20 eastern elongation of Venus, Part I: Observations of the dayside - Paul G. Abel
Notes and News
- 131From the President - Alan Lorrain
- 131Photograph: The aurora of 2021 February 20 - Alan C. Tough
- 132A bright nova in Cassiopeia heralds spring - Jeremy Shears
- 133Graham Salmon (1932–2021) - William Stewart, Richard Miles & Alex Pratt
- 133In brief - Philip Jennings
- 134Observing & recovering the Winchcombe meteorite - Jim Rowe
- 136Auroral & NLC activity 2021 February 20 – April 20 - Sandra Brantingham
- 137The first Martian helicopter flights & Kitty Hawk - Richard McKim
- 138Solar Section - Lyn Smith
- 140Pro-am collaboration on a modern reconstruction of Carrington’s sunspot observations - Thomas Teague
- 141Three Girton astronomers - Bill Barton & Mike Frost
- 141Prof Roger Griffin (1935–2021) - Dominic Ford
- 143Demystifying calibration frames - David Arditti
- 144From the Journal archive - John Chuter
- 181Letterstt
- 182Some old observations of the Aristarchus bands From the BAA bookshelf - Richard McKim
- 183From the BAA Archives - John Chuter
- 184Vera Rubin: A life (Mitton & Mitton) - Lee Macdonald
- 188BAA Annual General Meeting, 2020 October 28 - Alan Dowdell
- 191BAA Ordinary Meeting, 2020 October 28 - Alan Dowdell
- 196Membership information
BAA Updates
- 186Obituary: Ronald James Livesey (1929–2021) - Ken Kennedy
- 187Historical Section Meeting, 2020 November 21 - Bill Barton
Observers' Forum
- 185Open clusters for the summer months - Callum Potter
- 183New members
- 192Sky notes for 2021 June & July - Nick Hewitt
- 194Meetings diary, notices & small advertisements
- 195Board of Trustees and Council, Session 2020–2021