BAA Journal – Volume 131 Number 4 – August 2021

Observing the 2017–’19 primary eclipse of VV Cephei with a low-resolution spectroscope - Hugh Allen
The 2019–’20 eastern elongation of Venus, Part II: Observations of the nightside - Paul G. Abel
Reginald Lawson Waterfield (1900–1986), eclipse chaser & comet photographer extraordinaire – Part II: 1939–’86 Martin Mobberley
Nominations invited for the eighth Sir Patrick Moore Prize - David Arditti
Betelgeuse’s 2021 April minimum agrees with prediction of 430-day period - Mark Kidger
Pete Lawrence’s ‘Thin Moon’ hunt CfDS braves the elements - Bob Mizon
NGC 6751 – an overlooked planetary nebula in Aquila - Stewart Moore
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Refereed Papers
- 217Observing the 2017–’19 primary eclipse of VV Cephei with a low-resolution spectroscope - Hugh Allen
- 224The 2019–’20 eastern elongation of Venus, Part II: Observations of the nightside - Paul G. Abel
- 227The opposition of Mars, 2016: Part I - Richard McKim
- 236Reginald Lawson Waterfield (1900–1986), eclipse chaser & comet photographer extraordinaire – Part II: 1939–’86 Martin Mobberley
Notes and News
- 199From the President - Alan Lorrain
- 199Photograph: The solar eclipse of 2021 June 10 - Pauline Phillips
- 200Auroral & NLC activity 2021 April 20 – June 22 - Sandra Brantingham
- 200Your vote for the BAA Trustees & Council - Bill Tarver
- 201Nominations invited for the eighth Sir Patrick Moore Prize - David Arditti
- 201In brief - Philip Jennings
- 202Jupiter in 2020 - John Rogers
- 205Solar observer Monty Leventhal receives BAA Ridley Grant - Monty Leventhal
- 206The Radio Astronomy Section in 2020 - John Cook
- 208Mars in 2020–’21: Third interim report - Richard McKim
- 210Novae in Cassiopeia & Hercules: a case of the tortoise & the hare? - Jeremy Shears
- 211Betelgeuse’s 2021 April minimum agrees with prediction of 430-day period - Mark Kidger
- 212Solar Section - Lyn Smith
- 215Convertible telescopes - David Arditti
- 216From the Journal archive - John Chuter
- 250The Archives From the BAA Archives - John Chuter
- 251Letterstt
- 255Planetary Astronomy (Pellier, ed.) - Martin Lewis
- 256BAA Christmas Meeting, 2020 December 5 - Alan Dowdell
- 258BAA Ordinary Meeting, 2021 January 23 - Alan Dowdell
BAA Updates
- 252Pete Lawrence’s ‘Thin Moon’ hunt CfDS braves the elements - Bob Mizon
Observers' Forum
- 254NGC 6751 – an overlooked planetary nebula in Aquila - Stewart Moore
- 209New honorary members
- 252New members
- 253Membership information
- 260Sky notes for 2021 August & September - Nick Hewitt
- 262Meetings diary, notices & small advertisements
- 263Board of Trustees and Council, Session 2020–2021