BAA Journal – Volume 132 Number 02 – April 2022

Lunar domes near Lavoisier K - Raffaello Lena, Barry Fitz-Gerald & K. C. Pau
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Refereed Papers
- 87British Isles aurorae, 1560–1715, Part I: 1560–1644 - John Simpson
- 103Lunar domes near Lavoisier K - Raffaello Lena, Barry Fitz-Gerald & K. C. Pau
- 109Identifying the peaks of Montes d’Alembert - Alexander Vandenbohede
- 117HR Lyrae: the restless slumbers of an old nova - Jeremy Shears
Notes and News
- 71From the President - David Arditti
- 72Asteroid (7177) Melvyntaylor - Alex Pratt
- 72In brief - Philip Jennings
- 73Winners of the BAA Christmas Quiz - Philip Jennings
- 73Photograph: Moretus & the lunar south pole - Davide Pistritto
- 73New Director for the Radio Astronomy Section - Paul Hearn
- 74Celebrating Mary Somerville (1780–1872) - Marie-Louise Archer
- 75NEMETODE detects 500,000th meteor - Alex Pratt & William Stewart
- 76A great display from comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard) - Nick James
- 79Auroral & NLC activity 2021 December 16 – 2022 February 18 - Sandra Brantingham
- 82Solar Section - Lyn Smith
- 85Equatorial platforms, Part II - Martin Lewis
The Archives
- 86From the Journal archive - John Chuter
- 122From the BAA bookshelf - Richard McKim
- 123From the BAA Archives - John Chuter
- 127A shining furrow: the life of Charles T. Whitmell, astronomer & educationalist (Sellers) - John Thorpe
- 127H I and H II: A spectroscopist’s guide - Jeremy Tatum
- 128Star Count 2022 - Brian Mills
BAA Updates
- 129Nominations for the Ballot for the BAA Council & Board of Trustees - Bill Tarver
- 129The BAA Awards & Medals for 2022 - Bill Tarver
Observers' Forum
- 130Visual photometry of Markarian 421, 1981–2021 - John Toone
- 131NGC 6210 – A forgotten planetary nebula in Hercules - Stewart Moore
- 124BAA Annual General Meeting, 2021 October 23 - Alan Dowdell
- 126BAA Ordinary Meeting, 2021 October 23 - Alan Dowdell
- 102Membership information
- 128New members
- 132Sky notes for 2022 April & May - Nick Hewitt
- 134Meetings diary, notices & small advertisements
- 135Board of Trustees and Council, Session 2021–2022