BAA Journal – Volume 132 Number 03 – June 2022

Jupiter in 1950 & the aftermath of a South Equatorial Belt Revival - Richard McKim
Joint meeting of the Radio Astronomy Section and Aurora & Noctilucent Cloud Section, 2022 March 4 - Paul Hearn et al.
Observing banded lunar craters with optical filters - Paul G. Abel
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Refereed Papers
- 153British Isles aurorae, 1560–1715, Part II: 1645–1715 - John Simpson
- 169Jupiter in 1950 & the aftermath of a South Equatorial Belt Revival - Richard McKim
- 181The 2020–’21 western elongation of Venus - Paul G. Abel
- 185Noctilucent cloud over Britain & Western Europe, 2020 - Ken Kennedy
Notes and News
- 139From the President - David Arditti
- 140Historical astronomy research project: can you help? - Marie-Louise Archer
- 140Photographing the sodium tail of Mercury - Nick James
- 140In brief - Philip Jennings
- 141Notice: Diversity & Inclusion Officer - David Arditti
- 141Anomalous behaviour of SS Cygni keeps observers guessing - Jeremy Shears
- 142An interview with Dr Alan W. Heath - Philip Jennings & James Dawson
- 144The Radio Astronomy Section in 2021 - John Cook
- 147Auroral & NLC activity 2022 February 19 – April 18 - Sandra Brantingham
- 147One Hundred Thousand Suns: a new artwork - Rohini Devasher
- 148Solar Section - Lyn Smith
- 151Equatorial platforms, Part III - Martin Lewis
- 167Membership information
- 200Sky notes for 2022 June & July - Nick Hewitt
- 202Meetings diary, notices & small advertisements
- 203Board of Trustees and Council, Session 2021–2022
The Archives
- 152From the Journal archive - John Chuter
- 190From the BAA Archives - John Chuter
- 191Discovering Mars (Sheehan & Bell) - Richard McKim
- 194Equatorial platforms: the Wood variation - Ken Wood
- 195Should the Mare Orientale be renamed? - Brian Mills
BAA Updates
- 194CfDS awards in 2022 April - Bob Mizon
- 195Joint meeting of the Radio Astronomy Section and Aurora & Noctilucent Cloud Section, 2022 March 4 - Paul Hearn et al.
- 197Obituary: Kenneth Joseph Medway - Derek Haselden & Lyn Smith
Observers' Forum
- 196Gallery
- 198Observing banded lunar craters with optical filters - Paul G. Abel
- 199A southern delight – Omega Centauri - Callum Potter
- 192BAA Christmas Meeting, 2021 December 4 - Alan Dowdell