BAA Journal – Volume 130 Number 4 – August 2020

The astronomical observations & connections of Henry Prescott (1649–1719) - Richard Sargent
Lunar domes & volcanic constructs in Mare Fecunditatis Raffaello Lena & Barry FitzGerald
Remarkable waves observed in the atmosphere of Venus, 2015–2020tt Richard J. McKim, Paul G. Abel & Emmanuel I. Kardasis
Unusual ‘stunted’ outbursts in the nova-like variable star HS 0229+8016 Jeremy Shears
BAA members take part in ‘Measure to the Moon’ project - Carolyn Kennett
An amateur’s observations of Saturn’s satellite Janus - Mike Foulkes
Large Mercury–Venus angular separations Asteroids & Remote Planets Section Meeting, 2019 September 29 - Richard Miles
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Refereed Papers
- 210The astronomical observations & connections of Henry Prescott (1649–1719) - Richard Sargent
- 219Lunar domes & volcanic constructs in Mare Fecunditatis Raffaello Lena & Barry FitzGerald
- 228Remarkable waves observed in the atmosphere of Venus, 2015–2020tt Richard J. McKim, Paul G. Abel & Emmanuel I. Kardasis
- 234Unusual ‘stunted’ outbursts in the nova-like variable star HS 0229+8016 Jeremy Shears
Notes and News
- 199From the President - Alan Lorrain
- 199Long-term monitoring of Venus required - Paul G. Abel
- 200Celebrating the 125th birthday of Sydney City Skywatchers (formerly BAA New South Wales Branch) Mike Frost
- 200Your vote for the BAA Trustees & Council - Bill Tarver
- 201BAA members take part in ‘Measure to the Moon’ project - Carolyn Kennett
- 201In brief - Philip Jennings
- 202An amateur’s observations of Saturn’s satellite Janus - Mike Foulkes
- 203Nominations invited for the seventh Sir Patrick Moore Prize - David Arditti
- 203Supernova 2020ue detected in NGC 4636 - Guy M. Hurst
- 204Observe Neptune at opposition - Mike Foulkes
- 204Auroral & noctilucent cloud activity 2020 May 1 – June 30 - Sandra Brantingham
- 205Imaging the surface of Venus at 1,000nm wavelength - Martin Lewis
- 206Solar Section - Lyn Smith
- 208‘Why won’t my GoTo work?’ & other telescope bugbears - David Arditti
- 209From the Journal archive - John Chuter
- 240The Archives From the BAA Archives - John Chuter
- 241Letterstt
- 244BAA Ordinary Meeting, 2020 January 25 - Alan Dowdell
BAA Updates
- 243Large Mercury–Venus angular separations Asteroids & Remote Planets Section Meeting, 2019 September 29 - Richard Miles
Observers' Forum
- 246Observing polar faculae - Peter Meadows
- 248Sagitta – explore the assassin’s arrow - Stewart Moore
- 250Observing Z Ursae Majoris - Des Loughney
- 251Lunar occultation of Venus, 2020 June 19 - John S. Sussenbach,
- 200 New honorary members
- 227Membership information
- 252Sky notes for 2020 August & September - Nick Hewitt
- 254Meetings diary & small advertisements
- 255Board of Trustees and Council, Session 2019–2020