BAA Journal – Volume 131 Number 2 – April 2021

Searching for lunar domes in the Sinus Iridum region: identification of a dome termed L1 Raffaello Lena, Maximilian Teodorescu & Jim Phillips
Using Gaia DR2 data to determine the distances of young star clusters & their distribution in the galactic plane - William B. Samsont
What stars are made of: The life of Cecilia Payne–Gaposchkin (Moore) - Mike Frost
Ancient Light: imaging a quasar without a telescope - Steve Barrett
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Refereed Papers
- 81David Sinden (1932–2005): A life in optics - John Nicholt
- 93Searching for lunar domes in the Sinus Iridum region: identification of a dome termed L1 Raffaello Lena, Maximilian Teodorescu & Jim Phillips
- 97Using Gaia DR2 data to determine the distances of young star clusters & their distribution in the galactic plane - William B. Samsont
- 105The opposition of Mars, 2014: Part II - Richard McKim
Notes and News
- 67From the President - Alan Lorrain
- 68Winners of the Christmas Quiz - Philip Jennings
- 68The annular solar eclipse of 2021 June 10 - Peter Macdonald
- 69In brief - Philip Jennings
- 69Auroral & NLC activity 2021 January 1 – February 20 - Sandra Brantingham
- 72of Mutual phenomena of Jupiter’s moons in 2021 - John Rogers
- 73A well-observed double star occultation: SAO 93840 - Tim Haymes & Alex Pratt
- 74An interview with Alexandra Hart
- 76Solar Section - Lyn Smith
- 78Europlanet bid success for variable nebulae observers Callum Potter & Grant Privett
- 79The taxonomy of mountings - David Arditti
- 80From the Journal archive - John Chuter
- 113The Archives From the BAA bookshelf - Richard McKim
- 114From the BAA Archives - John Chuter
- 118What stars are made of: The life of Cecilia Payne–Gaposchkin (Moore) - Mike Frost
- 122BAA Autumn Meeting, 2020 September 5 - Alan Dowdell
BAA Updates
- 115Obituary: Iain Nicolson (1945–2020) - Peter Cattermole
- 116Nominations for the Ballot for the BAA Council & Board of Trustees - Bill Tarver
- 117The BAA Awards & Medals for 2021 - Bill Tarver
Observers' Forum
- 119Nebulae, clusters & variable stars - Roger Pickard
- 120Ancient Light: imaging a quasar without a telescope - Steve Barrett
- 121Two contrasting galaxies in Coma Berenices - Stewart Moore
- 122Lettertt Revisiting lunar observations under repeated conditions - Bill Leatherbarrow
- 92Membership information
- 117Members elected
- 124Sky notes for 2021 April & May - Nick Hewitt
- 126Meetings diary & small advertisements
- 127Board of Trustees and Council, Session 2020–2021