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Topic: coalition
J. Br. Astron. Assoc., 134(5), 2024 – Commission for Dark Skies (349)
I fear the CfDS committee’s aims of forming a coalition to campaign together with other groups against the harm that excessive artificial light causes will achieve little other than for the media to lump us in with climate activists. Probably not to be recommended since action that could be deemed to have a negative economic impact carries a longer prison sentence than GBH.
My understanding is that the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee have actively investigated the impacts of artificial light and noise on human health and heard from all interested groups:From the recommendations, the areas I see that the CfDS committee could try to influence are:
• Defra should establish a standard methodology for tracking, monitoring and reporting on light pollution.
• The government should issue a light policy statement for England which details the government’s policy on minimising light pollution and the roles it expects different departments to play.
• The light policy statement and planning guidance should incorporate up-to-date guidance from the Society of Light and Lighting, the Institution of Lighting Professionals and the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers on best practice for lighting.
• DLUHC should set out what resources local authorities should have to respond adequately to light and noise pollution policies.
Perhaps CfDS committee members could enquire about joining the Society of Light and Lighting (SLL) although I suspect they would cringe at the thought of a ‘Creative Lighting Design Festival’ or ‘Light Night Leeds’. The future is literally Bright.
Topic: Historical Section Activity
Historical Section News 29 has just been published. If you are not on our distribution list, but would like to receive section publications then please contact us to join.
Free booking has also opened for our 2024 Section Meeting. See future events for details.
Mike Frost & Bill Barton.
I have recently joined the Variable Star section. I have successfully used ASTAP to create a valid format file for uploading (BAAVSS and AAVSO).
However, I also use AstroImageJ and I have struggled (so far) in using the BAA Photometry Spreadsheet 2.11 to convert the AIJ measurements table into the BAA required format.
The AIJ measurements file appears to be imported into the AIJ tab of BAA_Photometry_Spreadsheet_2.11.xlsm ok but the Calculation and Results tabs do not seem to want to update any details and leave the pre-existing WASP example data.
Some fields in the BAAVSS and AAVSO calculated tabs have data from my AIJ measurement table but most fields appear to have old WASP dataThe BAA VSS database manager, Andrew Wilson has been very helpful but suggested I reach out to the community
I wonder if there’s any members who are experienced in using AIJ with the BAA Photometry Spreadsheet who might be able to assist in a walk-through as I suspect I’m doing something fundamentally wrong (eg via a Zoom call or other method)?
Relevant files attached for info.
Many thanks