Callum Potter

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  • in reply to: Roll-off observatory runners/wheels. #578568
    Callum Potter

    Hi Tony,

    one (of the many) mistakes I made when constructing my roll-off roof observatory I embedded the exteriors supports for the exterior rails (where the roof rides over onto when open) within the building, so when the eventually rotted, it was a particularly difficult job to replace them. 

    So, I’d suggest thinking about how you might replace them when that needs to be done. Unlike the main building the exterior rails will be subject to all the weather…

    Look forward to hearing how the project goes.

    Clear skies


    in reply to: Lyrids 2017 #578160
    Callum Potter

    Last night was quite clear at Kelling and saw quite a few through the night – but just incidental to the deep sky observing 🙂


    in reply to: Email contact button #578083
    Callum Potter

    Hi Peter,

    the contact form link does not show for yourself (why would you want to send a message to yourself? – rhetorical question 🙂

    But others when logged in will see a Send Mail link like:

    So all should be working!

    Cheers. Callum

    in reply to: Advice Sought #577971
    Callum Potter

    Hi David,

    I don’t use one myself, but other options to consider are the

    Ioptron SkyTracker – i’ve seen a lot of good images made using these.

    Other newer things to think about are:

    Ioptron SkyTracker Pro – more ‘heavy weight’

    And something new I saw recently mentioned in Astronomy Now is the 

    SkyWatcher Star Adventurer Mini.

    Would be interested to hear from anyone that’s tried these newer mounts.

    Thanks, Callum

    in reply to: Daft “beginner” question (joining sections) #577863
    Callum Potter

    Hi Kevin,

    Welcome to the BAA!

    yes – just contact the section directors of the sections you are interested – you can use the contact forms on the website, or the email addresses in the back of the Journal. 

    You will be most welcome to the Deep Sky Section!

    Cheers, Callum

    in reply to: emCCD – does anyone use one ? #577834
    Callum Potter

    Hi Grant, I’m not sure if it was an actual quote… but I was asking about a Kite EM247 CL.

    And there is an interesting application note:

    in reply to: emCCD – does anyone use one ? #577826
    Callum Potter

    Hi Tim,

    I have looked into this a couple of times, but was not able to find an affordable route…

    The last time I got in touch with a supplier (for a Raptor Kite from Laser 2000) they quoted a price starting at £6800.

    If you find a ‘cheap’ source I would be interested.


    in reply to: Cleaning C14 Corrector lens #577555
    Callum Potter

    I have used Baader Optical Wonder Cleaning Fluid – it seems to do a good job.


    in reply to: long lasting auroral features #577501
    Callum Potter

    Hi Denis,

    I don’t know the answer, but I would try running the question past Jim Wild…

    Cheers, Callum

    in reply to: Inspirational astronomy books #577436
    Callum Potter

    Leslie Peltier’s Starlight Nights 

    Walter Scott Houston’s Deep-Sky Wonders (selections by Steve O’Meara)

    And I too have a lot of affection for my 1950 epoch Norton’s


    in reply to: Converting DSLR images to FITS #577422
    Callum Potter

    Hi Roger,

    what was the calibration process used – perhaps there was some normalisation along the way…

    Cheers, Callum

    in reply to: Just Curious… #577419
    Callum Potter

    Hi Bill,

    I’m not sure I can spread much light – but it seems for me on the view of one of the forums there is a Views column present when logged on, but not if not… 

    I’m not sure if this has changed with the latest site update or not.

    Cheers, Callum

    in reply to: Auto iris lens settings #577409
    Callum Potter

    Thanks for the suggestions Bill & William.

    I did use hi AGC before (with another lens), but the images were fairly noisy, so I switched to low.

    I will try some more experimentation, and rewiring the lens control sounds attractive.

    Will report back on progress…

    Cheers, Callum

    in reply to: Nominations for Council #577334
    Callum Potter

    Douglas Adams, H2G2

    “But the plans were on display…”
    “On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.”
    “That’s the display department.”
    “With a flashlight.”
    “Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.”
    “So had the stairs.”
    “But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?”
    “Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.”

    in reply to: Nominations for Council #577291
    Callum Potter

    Council meets six times a year, normally at Burlington House. Usually these are on the same day as an ordinary meeting (morning or afternoon preceding the OM).

    There are something like 35 people on council. Usually council meetings are quite well attended, with something like 20 – 25. A few council members (principally section directors) who live far away rarely attend.

    It’s always good to get ‘new blood’ onto council, so please do stand if you are interested. All that’s expected is an enthusiam to contribute to the work of the association.

    Cheers, Callum

    in reply to: Infrared; friend or foe? #577281
    Callum Potter

    If you use refracting optics IR will focus at a different point to the visible – so will lead to blurry images.

    With a reflector this does not happen. But the IR will still be detected (silicon detectors tend to be more sensitive to IR than visible light), and cause the colour balance to be off (usually appearing much redder).
    But that is something you could correct in photoshop (or whatever…)


    in reply to: Double Star Interference Observations #577268
    Callum Potter

    Hi Nick,

    I am not an expert on the technique, though I have some understanding of how it should work… What sort of telescope were you using to do the observation?

    Thanks, Callum

    in reply to: Laser use at public events #577264
    Callum Potter

    yeah – i was meaning public outreach type star parties – not camps…

    in reply to: Laser use at public events #577258
    Callum Potter

    Although I used to use a laser pointer at star parties, I have become rather reticent in recent years. They do look rather ‘cool’ at night, so i’m not sure i’d like to encourage those who don’t understand the dangers…

    There are already restrictions on use near airfields, and sensible use at star parties will probably not be a problem – but you might end with a visit from the police regardless these days… I am not sure the hassle would be worth it.


    in reply to: AGM last month #577144
    Callum Potter

    The Who’s who page has been updated with elected trustees and members of counci:

    Cheers, Callum

Viewing 20 posts - 101 through 120 (of 137 total)