Callum Potter

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: 2023 – how was it for you? #621116
    Callum Potter

    I also did not keep accurate records in 2023 (a new years resolution for 2024 again – sure to fail though 😉

    But I photographed aurora on 13 nights.
    Had 6 nights clear and dark enough for wide field imaging (including comets)
    Just 6 visual deep sky observing sessions (limited by dark of Moon periods, and telescope issues)
    39 solar observing sessions in h-alpha

    Night time observing is severely restricted from May to July due to the light nights at 59 degrees north.


    in reply to: Next time your train is late……. blame the Sun. #620667
    Callum Potter

    I Like the daily star headline – Euston we have a problem!

    [oops – snap Paul]

    in reply to: Fantastic auroral display happening now (19:00 UT 5th Nov) #620011
    Callum Potter

    I turned over in bed this morning and was surprised to be woken by John Mason – on Radio 4 Today, at about 8:50 am. You can probably listen again on the iPlayer / BBC Sounds thing.


    in reply to: October JBAA (Missing) #619824
    Callum Potter

    Is there a date when the electronic version of the Handbook is due out? It seems the paper versions are out.

    The 2024 Handbook is now available to download from the Handbooks page.


    in reply to: Dark Skies – General Interest #619623
    Callum Potter

    I think this link would be to the old BAA shop where we sold Philips planispheres – but we don’t sell these online any more.

    Because there is no target in the new site, it ends up at some random place.

    Just needs the text updating on the UKDSP site.


    in reply to: Eclipses and Transits #617829
    Callum Potter

    Back on topic though. Could those additional items be added to the forum topics list?

    They have been!


    in reply to: Bookings for Deep Sky Section meeting now open #616183
    Callum Potter

    There is still time to book tickets for the Deep Sky Section meeting in Bedford on March 19th, but the window will close on Sunday night.
    Only £7.50 for members or £10.00 for non-members, which includes lunch and refreshments.

    Hope you can make it.


    in reply to: Discussion forum behaviour #616013
    Callum Potter

    Thanks Nick – not sure why you got this error message, but we will look into that.

    Your message was actually held for moderation because it had 4 links, but I have approved it now. I’ve also increased the number of links limit to 6.

    All the best,

    in reply to: Images and attachments to forum posts #615703
    Callum Potter

    Will look into it.


    in reply to: Discussion forum behaviour #615702
    Callum Potter

    A bit of a strange bug – will add to the issue list – there were a couple of deleted replies at the end of the thread which I think must have confused the front page widget. The thread is now shown now that I have deleted those replies.


    in reply to: Bob Evans #613547
    Callum Potter

    I remember meeting Bob in 2009 – he was visiting family in Cheltenham and had asked if he could borrow a telescope. Our local club (Cotswold AS) invited him to one of our observing evenings but as it was very wet he gave us a talk about supernova patrolling instead. A really nice guy.
    Attached photo from the evening is a little poor, sadly (Bob is at the right).

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Callum Potter.
    in reply to: Cleaning a dome #612595
    Callum Potter

    Grant, David Davies recommended to me caravan cleaner – i chose Fenwicks Caravan Cleaner & Fenwicks Bobby Dazzler which came in a twin pack – the Bobby Dazzler is a top coat that repels water (like you get for cars). Worked well for me.


    in reply to: New website feedback #609904
    Callum Potter

    A small error: the title link to Picture of the week does not work:

    Thanks Mark – fixed now.

    in reply to: February 2022 JBAA has gone AWOL today 06/04/2022 #609631
    Callum Potter

    Hi Robun,

    All the text of the journals is stored in a field and when you do a search this field is searched in all the journal issues.

    So, if, for example, you searched on arbour – looking for articles by or about Ron Arbour you will get a lot of Journals returned (because there the address of Mike Frost is Arbour Close.

    If you just type ron arbaor there will be matches on either ron or arbour

    If you want to search on a phrase contain it in double quotes e.g. “ron arbour” and you should find Journals which have this phrase.

    In the PDF viewer you can CTRL-f (or CMD-f) to show the find tool (in that PDF).

    Hope this helps,

    in reply to: seeing the screen #609605
    Callum Potter

    Hi Denis – i can’t help with advice on a magnifying ‘screen’ – but windows has an accessibility toll caked Magnifier which can be used to magnify the screen and give a bigger ‘virtual’ screen. I have used ut but found it a bit coarse grained. The MacOS accessibility tool called Zoom i find is a lot better (one of the reasons I mainly use MacOS these days).
    Whatever type of computer your friend uses it would be worth looking into the accessibility options for visually impaired.
    I also find that a lot of astro programmes often have small controls with lots of options, which make them difficult to use for those with visual challenges.


    in reply to: New website feedback #609596
    Callum Potter

    Hi Robin,

    The forum default setting is to allow users to be able to edit their post for up to 5 minutes after posting.
    This could be increased – but usually this is a short period for simple corrections, which you often realise shortly after posting.


    in reply to: February 2022 JBAA has gone AWOL today 06/04/2022 #609577
    Callum Potter

    Hi Len – yes, we know – we were uploading the April Journal and a couple of things went awry.
    It should (and the April Journal) be back before too long.


    in reply to: Telescope for planetary imaging #609357
    Callum Potter

    Looking for a second telescope + mount for planetary and lunar viewing & astrophotography.

    I’m not really a planetary imager, but it seems to me that SCT’s are probably still the most popular telescope for imaging planets.
    The long focal length gives a good scale with the planetary cameras, and you’d probably looking at somewhere between 200mm to 300mm aperture.
    And you also need a good mount, but you don’t need to guide so that makes things a bit simpler.


    in reply to: BAA Telescope Time? #609232
    Callum Potter

    A little while ago, during a meeting, our President made reference to an effort to in some way source some remote telescope time for members. My memory is vague but, as I recall it, he seemed to suggest that this would be a selling point in attracting new members.

    Hi Grant,

    I dont know the details but I understand the project is stalled because the software being developed/configured for the BAA was being done in Ukraine.


    in reply to: New website feedback #609162
    Callum Potter

    Lunar section circular archive is incomplete: There is a jump from 1973 to 2019 and 1972 is missing. Is this a work in progress?

    Think this is fixed now – the page will now show 1000 items, but there may still be unlisted issues. Probably it would be better if the circulars were sorted in decade folders.


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