David Swan

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  • David Swan

    Thanks for pointing out this article, Jeremy.

    David Swan

    This all sounds very sensible. You can count me as a supporter of this plan. David

    in reply to: C/2017 S3 #579736
    David Swan

    Transparency poor, but managed 10 frames when it seemed to clear slightly. 10 x 10s

    in reply to: C/2017 S3 #579734
    David Swan

    Not looking as impressive this evening (20 Jul / 2300 BST). Fingers crossed that this isn’t the beginning of the end….

    in reply to: Dark Skies (or not)… LED Health Hazard #579727
    David Swan

    LOL. It all ended amicably and I’m sure well reasoned arguments will – in the long run – lead to downward-directed, low colour-temperature, and proportionate-intensity lighting nationwide.

    in reply to: Dark Skies (or not)… LED Health Hazard #579725
    David Swan

    Last year – I forget precisely when – I had the telescope out on some land jutting into the sea, a great dark spot if winds are light. A curious member of the public came over and we had a good talk and I showed him some bright DSOs. He then proceeded to tell me that he was the person primarily responsible for installing the LEDs all over Tynemouth, and wasn’t it just wonderful ….

    David Swan

    I believe the close approach was June this year (2018), so we’ve missed the best of it. It is low down in Capricornus now, and dimmer than mag 16, but I might have a go if I get a really clear southern sky.

    in reply to: C/2017 S3 #579711
    David Swan

    The coma looks like it has expanded significantly since last night. Still bright and quite something.

    in reply to: Videos of the Warwick Meeting #579710
    David Swan

    Thanks very much Dominic – and Andy.

    in reply to: C/2017 S3 #579707
    David Swan

    Looking quite spectacular as a big fuzzball moving through the star field.

    in reply to: interesting free astronomy software #579705
    David Swan

    Thanks for pointing this out. I’ll have a look. David

    in reply to: Nova Scutum 2018 #579675
    David Swan

    Thanks for pointing out this object. I have been wanting to have a look – and get a low res spectrum with my StarAnalyser – but cloud has been rolling in from the sea night after night after night!

    in reply to: Transient AT2018cow #579649
    David Swan

    For anyone who is interested, here is a link to a new ATEL where the authors discuss photometry and spectroscopy of this transient. Not definitively a broad-lined type Ic supernova – previously, Robin raised uncertainty about this classification too.


    in reply to: Royal Observatory Greenwich #579648
    David Swan

    Yes, I am sure that is right! It will be interesting to see what happens. There was a suggestion of spectroscopy in the article too, wasn’t there? As well as giving people a peek through the scopes at bright targets, I think the operators should deploy the latest EAA software for showing essentially-live pics to a wider audience. Lucky imaging of planets and near-live imaging of asteroids, comets, globulars etc is possible even from that location. I know from my interactions with the public that people are amazed by what’s possible now with the right hardware and software.

    in reply to: Transient AT2018cow #579640
    David Swan

    This object has gone ‘mainstream’, with articles in New Scientist (and the Daily Mail). The New Scientist article has a floating cow superimposed on a star field, in reference to the transient ID.


    in reply to: SUN 21/6/2018 #579637
    David Swan

    An excellent image Peter – seems fitting that there should be one of the sun posted up here at the summer solstice. And there are a few active regions visible on the sun too, which is a bonus.

    in reply to: Transient AT2018cow #579631
    David Swan

    Thanks Robin. I didn’t know that a CV in outburst has that spectral appearance. Hopefully with further work things will get cleared up as much as possible.

    in reply to: Transient 2018bsr #579514
    David Swan

    Thanks Robin – makes sense.

    in reply to: 2010 WC9 #579486
    David Swan

    Very nice. In the medium term I think I’ll look at buying a short focal length refractor. It is lovely to have a wide field of view.

    in reply to: 2010 WC9 #579483
    David Swan

    In addition to the maximum stacked image on my member’s page, I have created a short video from the same frames. It runs at 5fps. https://1drv.ms/u/s!Agvxu8wNOxpAcskxKKX5lQZyCh4

Viewing 20 posts - 221 through 240 (of 302 total)