Andy Wilson

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: ASTAP #610133
    Andy Wilson

    Hi Mark,
    That is great! Many thanks to you and Han for arranging this option in ASTAP. I have added ASTAP to the list of photometry packages on the Photometry database website page.
    I will contact you separately with questions on the chart and filter.

    in reply to: Pete & Paul’s Observing Challenges for 2022? #610084
    Andy Wilson

    Hi Sally,
    I’m pleased to report this year’s challenges will be appearing on the website. A little work needs to happen to get them into a publishable form, so they aren’t quite ready but hopefully soon. Thanks for suggesting this.

    in reply to: ASTAP #610083
    Andy Wilson

    Hi Mark,
    For software to appear in the list on the BAA Photometry Database page, there needs to be a way for members to upload observation data files. Have you been able to do this with ASTAP or are you manually entering the observation data?
    An explanation on how to convert the AAVSO file format into a format uploadable into the BAA database is given at this link.
    Feel free to contact me offline or reply here if you would like any pointers on how to do this. I tested the modified AAVSO file format a while ago, but I am not sure if anyone is actually use this yet.
    Best wishes,
    BAAVSS Database Secretary

    in reply to: ASTAP #610080
    Andy Wilson

    Hi Mark,
    There is no reason other than to appear on the list of photometry tools someone in the VSS needs to be successfully using it for photometry and submitting observations to the BAA online database. With a few tweaks to the AAVSO file format you can upload those files.
    The reason for not adding more tools to the list and approaching developers is time. Running the photometry and spectroscopy databases are voluntary roles, so the list of tools is based on what members are using. I am happy to offer help and advice to anyone wishing to submit observations to the database.
    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Pete & Paul’s Observing Challenges for 2022? #610069
    Andy Wilson

    Hi Sally,
    A wonderful idea. I am investigating whether it will be possible to publish these challenges.
    Last year was special as we held a virtual Winchester with livestreams and recordings of the talks. This year we were not able to broadcast or record the talks at the venue. Hence it comes down to whether the lecturers give permission their talks to be published, noting sometimes lecture material is used for more than one event or isn’t in a suitable format to be easily published on a website.
    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Jpeg #609953
    Andy Wilson

    Hi Nick,
    I remembering seeing similar behaviour in Maxim DL if I didn’t set the options to save the stretched image to the dynamic range of the output file. I think what is happening is you are displaying the image with a certain stretch applied to the image brightness, setting what is dark to light. However, what is being saved is unstretched or a different dark to light stretch. This may be more important for jpeg as I think they have a limited dynamic range of 8-bit.
    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Lunar Libration Charts Errata link #609585
    Andy Wilson

    Hi John,
    Thanks for pointing this out. The file of the corrected libration charts had gone missing, so I’ve added it back. Also the link in the file needed updating as it broke with the website migration. Also now fixed. It just goes to the handbook area of the website as this won’t break if individual files are replaced.
    Best wishes,

    in reply to: BAA Telescope Time? #609299
    Andy Wilson

    Hi Grant,
    Here is my understanding, though someone with more knowledge of how far this got may jump in.
    The important point is the BAA was not engaging the programmers. This was to be an allocation of time from a commercial operation being setup by a BAA member. In other words this would not have been exclusively for the BAA, and the responsibility of how the IT worked was not with the BAA. Though obviously the BAA would have agreed a way to grant member access for this to go ahead. I just don’t think it reached that stage.
    Best wishes,

    in reply to: BAA Telescope Time? #609250
    Andy Wilson

    Hi Grant,
    My understanding is this was to be made possible via a generous allocation of time from a BAA Member who was setting up a commercial observatory. The BAA President gave a brief update recently, I think at the DSS Annual Meeting held as a webinar. The war in Ukraine put a hold on the project as the software developers are based in Ukraine.
    I’m not sure it had got as far as working out how members would request observing time.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Andy Wilson.
    in reply to: Logging in to the new website #609110
    Andy Wilson

    In case anyone is experiencing timeouts when logging in, this is to let you know we are aware of the problem.
    It isn’t the BAA website causing the problem. The problem is at an authentication server used by Sheep CRM, employing standard software for single sign on authentication. They have tried upgrading the server, though as we have still experienced some timeouts they are doing further investigations.
    If you experience a timeout, then I’ve found trying again a minute later usually works as it is an intermittent problem.

    in reply to: Logging in to the new website #608033
    Andy Wilson

    Hi Peter,
    This is the expected behaviour. Your username is now your email address.
    We’ve asked this to be updated in systems to state “email address” to avoid confusion, but this will take a while to implement.
    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Logging in to the new website #607945
    Andy Wilson

    If you log out and then click to log back in without closing your browser, then you will not be asked to re-enter your password. If you close your browser, then you will be asked to re-enter your email address and password at login.

    We are investigating whether there are ways to always require your email address and password to be entered. Otherwise please note you should close your browser after logging out if other people may use the computer.


    in reply to: Which mobile phone adaptor? #585192
    Andy Wilson

    Hi Jack,

    I got myself a Celestron NexYZ adapter last year. I found it is good and stable with lots of adjustments.

    My mobile phone images are nowhere near as good as I get with even a cheap astro CMOS camera, but nice for a quick image without the hassle of connecting a laptop.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: 2022 Handbook Errata #585082
    Andy Wilson

    Please note the following corrections to the Venus conjunctions on page 24 of the 2022 Handbook.

    Venus Superior Conjunction
    Should read “Superior Conjunction: Oct. 22” not “Superior Conjunction: -”
    This is correct in the Sky Diary – page 5
    Actual UT time of Venus superior conjunction – 2022 Oct 22 21:17

    Venus Inferior Conjunction
    Should read “Inferior Conjunction: Jan. 9” not “Inferior Conjunction: Jan. 8”
    This event is omitted from the Sky Diary – should be page 4
    Actual UT time of Venus inferior conjunction – 2022 Jan 9 0:48

    I’ve created a PDF of errata on the Handbook webpage.



    in reply to: Awards citations #585001
    Andy Wilson

    Hi Denis,

    I just realised I was too quick in my reply as you were asking for the citations, not the list. I think they appear in the Journal, though I am checking. Could be a good thing to publish separately on the website.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: Awards citations #584999
    Andy Wilson

    Hi Denis,

    You can find them under the menu option About us -> Awards.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: Projects #584843
    Andy Wilson

    I must admit to having mixed feelings about the BAA setting up a remote telescope. I’m torn as I think it is a fabulous idea but could easily go horribly wrong unless you have someone experienced in setting up remote observatories running the project. If such a person or even better a group of people could be found then I’d have much more confidence in such an endeavour.

    I wonder if a first step would be to partially or fully fund access to existing remote observatories for members. I think this existed in the past but I am unsure how well it was used. If that proved popular or couldn’t provide what members want such as a scientific photometry capability, then look at our own remote setup.

    Another thing to consider with a remote setup. It is not just getting it up and running and serviceable onsite. It is also setting up a way for members to access the telescope including time allocation. The existing providers have solved these problems.

    Unless anyone has any objections, I propose we move this into a thread on project proposals or remote observing, rather than under the heading of the “AGM Livestream”. I can have a go at sorting a switch early next week.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: BAA AGM livestream #584837
    Andy Wilson

    I must admit to having mixed feelings about the BAA setting up a remote telescope. I’m torn as I think it is a fabulous idea but could easily go horribly wrong unless you have someone experienced in setting up remote observatories running the project. If such a person or even better a group of people could be found then I’d have much more confidence in such an endeavour.

    I wonder if a first step would be to partially or fully fund access to existing remote observatories for members. I think this existed in the past but I am unsure how well it was used. If that proved popular or couldn’t provide what members want such as a scientific photometry capability, then look at our own remote setup.

    Another thing to consider with a remote setup. It is not just getting it up and running and serviceable onsite. It is also setting up a way for members to access the telescope including time allocation. The existing providers have solved these problems.

    Unless anyone has any objections, I propose we move this into a thread on project proposals or remote observing, rather than under the heading of the “AGM Livestream”. I can have a go at sorting a switch early next week.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: SN 2021zny – A “Super-Chandrasekhar” 1a Supernova ? #584822
    Andy Wilson

    Hi Robin,

    Both Sections may be interested. When I did photometry of AGN I had contact both the VSS and DSS.



    in reply to: Covid Testing and the BAA AGM #584802
    Andy Wilson

    Hi Bill,

    The BAA Office forwarded me your email and I replied this afternoon. This was a typo introduced when I created the email in EventBrite. It tried to automatically work out the link and unfortunately it added “.)” from the end of the sentence corrupting the link. Apologies I didn’t spot this in my checks of the email before sending. The correct link is:

    The IOP updated their guidance and requirements for the AGM after we had advertised it, so it seemed prudent to email attendees with the updated information. They have relaxed their original requirements to be more inline with other public buildings, for example COVID passes are no longer required.

    These are the free lateral flow tests you can get from your local pharmacy, though now you have to provide a code. This link allows you to get a code. This is what I have to do when I go to university. I am required to take these tests twice a week when I visit campus regardless of vaccination status. Note the IOP are not requiring these tests, simply encouraging their use.

    As venues get back to in-person events they are all faced with tricky decisions about where to draw the line. The virus has not gone away and so they are doing their best to tread a line between doing nothing and risking spread at their venue, or doing so much that it discourages anyone from attending. The IOP allow the BAA to use their venue and provide their staff on a Saturday all for free.

    Best wishes,


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