BAA Journal – Volume 129 Number 4 – August 2019

Photometry & spectrophotometry of the Herbig Ae star RR Tauri David Boyd
Low-state transitions in the nova-like cataclysmic variable HS 0506+7725tt Jeremy Shears
Oor Big Braw Cosmos: A cocktail of cosmic science, imagery & poetry (Brown & Wilson) - Andy Sawers
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Refereed Papers
- 203John S. Glasby (1928–2011): a BAA enigma - Martin Mobberley
- 216Photometry & spectrophotometry of the Herbig Ae star RR Tauri David Boyd
- 222The larger sunspot groups of Cycle 24 - Peter Meadows
- 232Low-state transitions in the nova-like cataclysmic variable HS 0506+7725tt Jeremy Shears
Notes and News
- 191Major milestone for video meteor capture over the British Isles - Steve Bosley
- 191From the President - Callum Potter
- 193New Director of the Mercury & Venus Section - Paul G. Abel
- 194Solar Section - Lyn Smith
- 196Spacecraft exploration of Mars: an update - Richard McKim
- 197Aurora & NLC Activity 2019 April 29 – June 29 - Sandra Brantingham
- 198Interview with the Astronomer Royal for Scotland - Andy Sawers
- 199Your vote for the BAA Trustees & Council - Bill Tarver
- 200Starlink: a new threat to observational astronomy? - Bob Mizon
- 201Astronomy from a balcony - David Arditti
- 202From the Journal archive - John Chuter
- 238Oor Big Braw Cosmos: A cocktail of cosmic science, imagery & poetry (Brown & Wilson) - Andy Sawers
BAA Updates
- 239Asteroid honour for Rafaello Lena - Philip Jennings
- 240The 53rd BAA Winchester Weekend, 2019 April 5–7 - Ann Davies
- 240Nominations invited for the seventh Sir Patrick Moore Prize - David Arditti
Observers' Forum
- 236Letterstt Open Season on Corona Australis & its variable nebula - Nick Hewitt
- 237A planetary challenge in Pegasus - Stewart Moore
- 27BAA Special General Meeting, 2019 March - Alan Dowdell 242
- 27BAA Ordinary Meeting, 2019 March
- 215Membership information
- 240From the BAA archives - John Chuter
- 240New members
- 244Sky notes for 2019 August & September Brian Mills
- 246Meetings diary & small advertisements