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Showing images 201 – 400 of 79,574

Title Uploaded by Observation time Upload time Objects Plate
201 NS 21062024 0624 Sun G Band AR3713 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 21 – 06:24 UTC 2024 Jul 07 – 08:53 UTC The Sun No NS 21062024 0624 Sun G Band AR3713.jpg (817.4 kB)
202 20240620 Chris Bailey New feature Ha Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 20 – 18:00 UTC 2024 Jul 07 – 08:52 UTC The Sun No 20240620 Chris Bailey New feature Ha.jpg (310.5 kB)
203 20240620 Chris Bailey 4 Ha Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 20 – 17:06 UTC 2024 Jul 07 – 08:50 UTC The Sun No 20240620 Chris Bailey 4 Ha.jpg (616.9 kB)
204 20240620 Chris Bailey 3Ha Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 20 – 16:51 UTC 2024 Jul 07 – 08:49 UTC The Sun No 20240620 Chris Bailey 3Ha.jpg (1.1 MB)
205 20240620 Chris Bailey 1 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 20 – 15:59 UTC 2024 Jul 07 – 08:48 UTC The Sun No 20240620 Chris Bailey 1.jpg (918.8 kB)
206 Sun_Samworth_200624 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 20 – 08:02 UTC 2024 Jul 07 – 08:46 UTC The Sun No Sun_Samworth_200624.jpg (1.8 MB)
207 DWGS_Halpha_2024-06-20_0742 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 20 – 07:42 UTC 2024 Jul 07 – 08:44 UTC The Sun No DWGS_Halpha_2024-06-20_0742.jpg (964.9 kB)
208 DWGS_WL-G_2024-06-20_0730 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 20 – 07:30 UTC 2024 Jul 07 – 08:43 UTC The Sun No DWGS_WL-G_2024-06-20_0730.jpg (987.1 kB)
209 DWGS_WL-G_2024-06-20_0724 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 20 – 07:24 UTC 2024 Jul 07 – 08:42 UTC The Sun No DWGS_WL-G_2024-06-20_0724.jpg (897.4 kB)
210 M27 Charles Graham Taylor 2024 Jul 05 – 23:36 UTC 2024 Jul 06 – 21:37 UTC M27 Yes M27_B2.jpg (423.1 kB)
211 Messier 56 Ian Papworth 2024 Jul 06 – 11:05 UTC 2024 Jul 06 – 11:08 UTC M56 Yes IMG_0054-compressed.jpeg (434.2 kB)
212 Western Veil Witches Broom Ian Papworth 2024 Jul 06 – 11:02 UTC 2024 Jul 06 – 11:05 UTC NGC6960 Yes IMG_0056-compressed.jpeg (698.7 kB)
213 Cocoon Nebula Ian Papworth 2024 Jul 06 – 10:59 UTC 2024 Jul 06 – 11:02 UTC IC5146 Yes IMG_0057-compressed.jpeg (714.5 kB)
214 Pelican Nebula Ian Papworth 2024 Jul 06 – 10:57 UTC 2024 Jul 06 – 10:59 UTC Pelican Nebula Yes IMG_0055-compressed.jpeg (294.6 kB)
215 Messier 27 Ian Papworth 2024 Jul 06 – 10:54 UTC 2024 Jul 06 – 10:57 UTC M27 Yes IMG_0053-compressed.jpeg (516.5 kB)
216 Looping prominence David Strange 2024 Jul 06 – 09:21 UTC 2024 Jul 06 – 10:16 UTC The Sun No Sun_20240706_0921_dgs.jpg (289.2 kB)
217 M17 Omega nebula LRGB Graham Winstanley 2024 Jul 04 – 01:00 UTC 2024 Jul 06 – 09:10 UTC M17 No M17 LRGB.jpg (1.9 MB)
218 Comet 2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-Atlas on July 6th Martin Mobberley 2024 Jul 06 – 04:37 UTC 2024 Jul 06 – 07:39 UTC C/2023 A3 Yes 2023a3_20240706_0437_mpm.jpg (836.9 kB)
219 Aurora borealis Pauline Phillips 2024 May 12 – 22:34 UTC 2024 Jul 05 – 20:26 UTC Aurora No FB8A0400small.jpg (1.5 MB)
220 Noctilucent Cloud Pauline Phillips 2024 Jun 26 – 02:21 UTC 2024 Jul 05 – 20:16 UTC Noctilucent cloud No noctilucent arnsidesmall.jpg (2.7 MB)
221 Comet 2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-Atlas on July 5th Martin Mobberley 2024 Jul 05 – 04:42 UTC 2024 Jul 05 – 10:59 UTC C/2023 A3 Yes 2023a3_20240705_0442_mpm.jpg (721.6 kB)
222 AR3727 Luigi Morrone 2024 Jun 29 – 09:28 UTC 2024 Jul 05 – 06:32 UTC The Sun No 2024-06-29_0928_White_Light_Color_Morrone.jpg (1.4 MB)
223 AR3727 Luigi Morrone 2024 Jun 29 – 09:28 UTC 2024 Jul 05 – 06:31 UTC The Sun No 2024-06-29_0928_White_Light_Morrone.jpg (624.1 kB)
224 20240619Chris Bailey 2 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 19 – 16:31 UTC 2024 Jul 04 – 16:05 UTC The Sun No 20240619Chris Bailey 2.jpg (573.4 kB)
225 Sun_Samworth_190624 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 19 – 09:43 UTC 2024 Jul 04 – 16:04 UTC The Sun No Sun_Samworth_190624.jpg (1.8 MB)
226 DWGS_Halpha_2024-06-19_1029 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 19 – 10:29 UTC 2024 Jul 04 – 16:03 UTC The Sun No DWGS_Halpha_2024-06-19_1029.jpg (993.8 kB)
227 DWGS_WL-G_2014-06-19_1212 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 19 – 12:12 UTC 2024 Jul 04 – 16:01 UTC The Sun No DWGS_WL-G_2014-06-19_1212.jpg (899.7 kB)
228 DWGS_WL-G_2024-06-19_1240 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 19 – 12:40 UTC 2024 Jul 04 – 16:00 UTC The Sun No DWGS_WL-G_2024-06-19_1240.jpg (983.4 kB)
229 Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) Peter Carson 2024 Jul 03 – 21:51 UTC 2024 Jul 04 – 14:02 UTC C/2023 A3 Yes 2023A3_20240703_2151_PCarson.jpg (566.9 kB)
230 Comet 2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-Atlas on July 4th Martin Mobberley 2024 Jul 04 – 04:42 UTC 2024 Jul 04 – 07:36 UTC C/2023 A3 Yes 2023a3_20240704_0442_mpm.jpg (587.8 kB)
231 Waning Crescent Mazin Younis 2024 Jul 04 – 05:17 UTC 2024 Jul 04 – 05:18 UTC The Moon No Waning_Crescent.jpg (328.1 kB)
232 Noctilucent cloud timelapse Steve Knight 2024 Jul 03 – 23:45 UTC 2024 Jul 04 – 01:37 UTC Noctilucent cloud No IMG_6142_pipp.gif (2.7 MB)
233 NLC 28.06.24 Dr Diane Clarke 2024 Jun 28 – 22:08 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 21:55 UTC Noctilucent cloud Yes NLC 28.06.24 BAA.jpg (1.9 MB)
234 Comet 12P post-perihelion outburst Nick James 2024 Jun 10 – 08:40 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:37 UTC 12P Pons-Brooks No 12P_20240610_ndj.gif (3.8 MB)
235 C/2024 J4, observed by rferrando BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 29 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:27 UTC C/2024 J4 No 2024j4_20240629_rferrando.jpg (1.6 MB)
236 C/2023 V4, observed by Nick James BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 28 – 23:36 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:27 UTC C/2023 V4 No 2023v4_20240628_233614_ndj.jpg (909.7 kB)
237 C/2023 A3, observed by Martin Mobberley BAA Comet Section 2024 Jul 01 – 04:47 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:27 UTC C/2023 A3 No 2023a3_20240701_0447_mpm.jpg (477.5 kB)
238 Cometa C/2023 A3 (Tsuchishan-ATLAS) 2024-06-30 ... BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 30 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:27 UTC C/2023 A3 Yes 2023a3_20240630_jfhernandez.jpg (365.6 kB)
239 Ivan Walton Observed 2024 Jun 29 - 22:09 Uplo... BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 29 – 22:09 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:27 UTC C/2023 A3 No 2023a3_20240629_220955_iwalton.jpg (404.6 kB)
240 C/2022 U1, observed by Nick James BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 29 – 01:29 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:27 UTC C/2022 U1 Yes 2022u1_20240629_012916_ndj.jpg (787.9 kB)
241 C/2021 X1, observed by Nick James BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 29 – 00:28 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:27 UTC C/2021 X1 No 2021x1_20240629_002849_ndj.jpg (939.4 kB)
242 C/2021 S3, observed by jcamarasa BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 29 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:27 UTC C/2021 S3 No 2021s3_20240629_jcamarasa.jpg (148.1 kB)
243 C/2021 S3, observed by Nick James BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 29 – 00:04 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:27 UTC C/2021 S3 Yes 2021s3_20240629_000432_ndj.jpg (890.2 kB)
244 C/2019 T4 (ATLAS), observed by Nick James BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 29 – 00:53 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:27 UTC C/2019 T4 (ATLAS) No 2019t4_20240629_005308_ndj.jpg (783.0 kB)
245 Comet 13P/Olbers 01.07.2024 Quattro 8 f4 ASI 26... BAA Comet Section 2024 Jul 01 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:27 UTC 13P Olbers Yes 13p_20240701_mabashir.jpg (219.0 kB)
246 Backyard setup scope: C14 HyperStar fl728mm D356... BAA Comet Section 2024 Jul 01 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:27 UTC 13P Olbers Yes 13p_20240701_dbartlett.jpg (329.3 kB)
247 13P Olbers, observed by Peter Carson BAA Comet Section 2024 Jul 01 – 21:43 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:27 UTC 13P Olbers Yes 13p_20240701_2143_pcarson.jpg (440.2 kB)
248 13P Olbers, observed by dbartlett BAA Comet Section 2024 Jul 01 – 05:12 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:27 UTC 13P Olbers Yes 13p_20240701_0512_dbartlett.jpg (955.9 kB)
249 13P/Olbers 2024 jun 28 21.10 UT 11x50sec UV/IT and... BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 28 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:27 UTC 13P Olbers Yes 13p_20240628_mjaeger.jpg (121.4 kB)
250 13P Olbers, observed by Nick James BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 28 – 22:40 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:27 UTC 13P Olbers No 13p_20240628_224050_ndj.jpg (619.7 kB)
251 Backyard setup scope: RASA 11 fl620mm D279mm ex... BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 26 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:27 UTC 13P Olbers Yes 13p_20240626_dbartlett.jpg (815.9 kB)
252 comet 12P Pons-Brooks, 06/30/2024 at 19:51 TU from... BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 30 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:27 UTC 12P Pons-Brooks Yes 12p_20240630_rligustri.jpg (836.8 kB)
253 12P Pons-Brooks, observed by Kos Coronaios BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 30 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:27 UTC 12P Pons-Brooks Yes 12p_20240630_kcoronaios.jpg (434.0 kB)
254 12P Pons-Brooks, observed by tprystavski BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 29 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 20:27 UTC 12P Pons-Brooks No 12p_20240629_tprystavski.jpg (524.9 kB)
255 Dark Shark Nebula Simon Paul Davis 2024 Jun 12 – 12:31 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 17:53 UTC LDN 1235, VdB 149, VdB 150 No ds_final.jpg (1021.9 kB)
256 13P/Olbers dynamic tail Mazin Younis 2024 Jul 02 – 22:00 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 17:43 UTC 13P Olbers Yes 13P_03_July_2.jpg (1.5 MB)
257 NGC 5303 Spiral Galaxy in Canes Venatici Alan Thomas 2024 May 24 – 03:59 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 14:47 UTC NGC5303 Yes NGC5303 COAST v3image-jpeg-i.jpeg (34.8 kB)
258 DWGS_Halpha_2024-06-18_1132inv Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 18 – 11:32 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 11:48 UTC The Sun No DWGS_Halpha_2024-06-18_1132inv.jpg (978.7 kB)
259 DWGS_WL-G_2024-06-18_1117 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 18 – 11:17 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 11:47 UTC The Sun No DWGS_WL-G_2024-06-18_1117.jpg (937.7 kB)
260 DWGS_AR3712_WL-G_2024-06-18_1122 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 18 – 11:22 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 11:46 UTC The Sun No DWGS_AR3712_WL-G_2024-06-18_1122.jpg (962.1 kB)
261 2024-06-18_0853_White_Light_Color_Morrone Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 18 – 08:53 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 11:45 UTC The Sun No 2024-06-18_0853_White_Light_Color_Morrone.jpg (2.3 MB)
262 DWGS_AR3712_Halpha_2024-06-17_0729 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 17 – 07:29 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 11:44 UTC The Sun No DWGS_AR3712_Halpha_2024-06-17_0729.jpg (919.5 kB)
263 DWGS_Halpha_1024-06-17_0718 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 17 – 07:18 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 11:43 UTC The Sun No DWGS_Halpha_1024-06-17_0718.jpg (987.2 kB)
264 DWGS_WL-G_2024-06-17_0711 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 17 – 07:11 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 11:41 UTC The Sun No DWGS_WL-G_2024-06-17_0711.jpg (990.5 kB)
265 Sun_Samworthu_170624 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 17 – 07:03 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 11:40 UTC The Sun No Sun_Samworthu_170624.jpg (1.3 MB)
266 Sunwl_Samworth_170624 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 17 – 07:09 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 11:39 UTC The Sun No Sunwl_Samworth_170624.jpg (642.1 kB)
267 NS 16062024 1500 Sun G Band AR3712 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 16 – 15:00 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 11:37 UTC The Sun No NS 16062024 1500 Sun G Band AR3712.jpg (677.8 kB)
268 NGC6814 Brian Scott 2024 Jun 28 – 23:00 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 07:52 UTC NGC6814 No ngc6814jun24.jpg (72.4 kB)
269 NGC7008 Brian Scott 2024 Jun 28 – 23:30 UTC 2024 Jul 03 – 07:49 UTC NGC7008 No NGC7008jun24.jpg (389.7 kB)
270 Sun in H Alpha David Strange 2024 Jul 02 – 11:25 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 22:25 UTC The Sun No 12_25_04_lapl5_ap710.jpg (1.1 MB)
271 NGC5024 M53 Globular Cluster Nicholas Freeman 2024 Jul 02 – 03:40 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 19:37 UTC M53 Yes NGC5024_M53_Globular_Cluster.jpg (1.9 MB)
272 NGC6333 M9 Globular Cluster Nicholas Freeman 2024 Jul 02 – 06:32 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 19:35 UTC M9 Yes NGC6333_M9_Globular_Cluster.jpg (1.9 MB)
273 13P/Olbers Mazin Younis 2024 Jul 01 – 22:00 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 18:35 UTC 13P Olbers Yes 13P_01_July_final.jpg (1.3 MB)
274 Messier M100 (NGC4321) Spiral Galaxy Ivan Walton 2024 Jul 01 – 23:10 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 14:19 UTC M100 Yes m100_20240701_231029_0_wyozqa_l.jpg (633.4 kB)
275 DWGS_Halpha_2024_06_16_1241 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 16 – 12:41 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 11:42 UTC The Sun No DWGS_Halpha_2024_06_16_1241.jpg (982.4 kB)
276 DWGS_WL-G_2024_06_16_1253 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 16 – 12:53 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 11:41 UTC The Sun No DWGS_WL-G_2024_06_16_1253.jpg (989.9 kB)
277 Sun_Samworthu_160624 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 16 – 10:15 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 11:41 UTC The Sun No Sun_Samworthu_160624.jpg (1.2 MB)
278 DWGS_Halpha_2024_06_15_0631 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 15 – 06:31 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 11:40 UTC The Sun No DWGS_Halpha_2024_06_15_0631.jpg (979.5 kB)
279 DWGS_WL-G_2024_06_15_0638 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 16 – 06:38 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 11:39 UTC The Sun No DWGS_WL-G_2024_06_15_0638.jpg (889.7 kB)
280 DWGS_AR3712_WL-G_2024_06_15_0645 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 15 – 06:45 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 11:37 UTC The Sun No DWGS_AR3712_WL-G_2024_06_15_0645.jpg (847.8 kB)
281 MS_20240615_0824UT Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 15 – 08:24 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 11:36 UTC The Sun No MS_20240615_0824UT.jpg (1.1 MB)
282 MS_20240615_0827UT Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 15 – 08:27 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 11:35 UTC The Sun No MS_20240615_0827UT.jpg (645.1 kB)
283 MS_20240615_0852UT Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 15 – 08:52 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 11:34 UTC The Sun No MS_20240615_0852UT.jpg (524.6 kB)
284 MS_20240615_0843UT Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 15 – 08:43 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 11:32 UTC The Sun No MS_20240615_0843UT.jpg (364.9 kB)
285 Sun_Samworth_150624 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 15 – 07:49 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 11:30 UTC The Sun No Sun_Samworth_150624.jpg (1.8 MB)
286 DWGS_Halpha_2024_06_14_1138inv Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 14 – 11:38 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 11:28 UTC The Sun No DWGS_Halpha_2024_06_14_1138inv.jpg (983.1 kB)
287 DWGS_WL-G_2024_06_14_1131 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 14 – 11:31 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 11:27 UTC The Sun No DWGS_WL-G_2024_06_14_1131.jpg (838.4 kB)
288 2024-06-13_0855_White_Light_Color_Morrone Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 13 – 08:55 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 11:26 UTC The Sun No 2024-06-13_0855_White_Light_Color_Morrone.jpg (1.8 MB)
289 DWGS_Halpha_2024_06_13_0846 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 13 – 08:46 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 11:25 UTC The Sun No DWGS_Halpha_2024_06_13_0846.jpg (968.6 kB)
290 DWGS_WL-G_2024_06_13_0838 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 13 – 08:38 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 11:24 UTC The Sun No DWGS_WL-G_2024_06_13_0838.jpg (960.4 kB)
291 DWG_Halpha_2024_06_11_1416 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 11 – 14:16 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 11:23 UTC The Sun No DWG_Halpha_2024_06_11_1416.jpg (979.0 kB)
292 Saturn Luigi Morrone 2024 Jun 29 – 02:26 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 11:22 UTC Saturn No 2024-06-29-0226_Lmorr.jpg (72.0 kB)
293 NS 05062024 1319 Sun G Band AR3697 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 05 – 13:19 UTC 2024 Jul 02 – 11:21 UTC The Sun No NS 05062024 1319 Sun G Band AR3697.jpg (983.4 kB)
294 Saturn 29th June Peter Tickner 2024 Jul 01 – 23:37 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 23:37 UTC Saturn No Saturn in IR and colour 29 June.png (297.2 kB)
295 20240610_0750_Ha_AR13709_Stuart Green Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 10 – 07:50 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 21:29 UTC The Sun No 20240610_0750_Ha_AR13709_Stuart Green.jpg (530.7 kB)
296 20240610_0750_Ha_AR_Group_Stuart Green Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 10 – 07:50 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 21:28 UTC The Sun No 20240610_0750_Ha_AR_Group_Stuart Green.jpg (801.4 kB)
297 20240610_0727_Ha_AR13697_Stuart Green Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 10 – 07:27 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 21:27 UTC The Sun No 20240610_0727_Ha_AR13697_Stuart Green.jpg (550.3 kB)
298 DWGS_Halpha_2024_06_09_0644inv Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 09 – 06:44 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 21:26 UTC The Sun No DWGS_Halpha_2024_06_09_0644inv.jpg (993.4 kB)
299 DWGS_WL-G_2024_06_09_0654 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 09 – 06:54 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 21:25 UTC The Sun No DWGS_WL-G_2024_06_09_0654.jpg (1.1 MB)
300 Sun_Samworth_090624 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 09 – 09:00 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 21:24 UTC The Sun No Sun_Samworth_090624.jpg (1.5 MB)
301 JA_Halpha_20240608_1515-1737UT_AR3697 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 08 – 15:15 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 21:23 UTC The Sun No JA_Halpha_20240608_1515-1737UT_AR3697.jpg (1.2 MB)
302 DWGS_Halpha_2024_06_08_0648 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 08 – 06:48 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 21:21 UTC The Sun No DWGS_Halpha_2024_06_08_0648.jpg (994.1 kB)
303 DWGS_AR3697etc_WL-G_2024_06_08_0709 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 08 – 07:09 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 21:20 UTC The Sun No DWGS_AR3697etc_WL-G_2024_06_08_0709.jpg (992.0 kB)
304 DWGS_WL-G_2024_06_08_0702 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 08 – 07:02 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 21:19 UTC The Sun No DWGS_WL-G_2024_06_08_0702.jpg (938.7 kB)
305 2024-06-07 09-08 AR3707_3708_3709 surge prom m4 fl... Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 07 – 09:08 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 21:18 UTC The Sun Overridden 2024-06-07 09-08 AR3707_3708_3709 surge prom m4 flare BWH.jpg (86.3 kB)
306 2024-06-07 08-58 AR3696_3701_3703 BWH Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 07 – 08:58 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 21:16 UTC The Sun No 2024-06-07 08-58 AR3696_3701_3703 BWH.jpg (181.4 kB)
307 2024-06-07 07-33 AR3697_3701_3703BWH Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 07 – 07:33 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 21:15 UTC The Sun No 2024-06-07 07-33 AR3697_3701_3703BWH.jpg (430.2 kB)
308 Motion of Pallas Steve Knight 2024 Jun 25 – 22:39 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 21:13 UTC 2 Pallas No 001.reg_pipp.gif (2.8 MB)
309 M51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy Mr Ian David Sharp 2024 Apr 01 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 15:56 UTC M51 Yes M51_C11_LRHaGB_Apr-2024_ids_baa.jpg (1.3 MB)
310 The Crescent & Soap Bubble Nebulae Callum Wingrove 2024 Jun 28 – 23:30 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 15:07 UTC NGC6888 Yes Crescent_Esprit_BAA2c.jpg (1.9 MB)
311 Noctilucent Cloud June 30-July 01 2024 Jimmy Fraser 2024 Jul 01 – 00:29 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 14:09 UTC Noctilucent cloud No nlc_20240701_0029_jfraser.jpg (714.6 kB)
312 Comet 2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-Atlas on July 1st Martin Mobberley 2024 Jul 01 – 04:47 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 11:07 UTC C/2023 A3 No 2023a3_20240701_0447_mpm.jpg (477.5 kB)
313 Noctiucent cloud Ken Kennedy 2024 Jul 01 – 00:01 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 09:57 UTC Noctilucent cloud No 2024 Jun 30-31 0001 UT Kennedy.jpg (510.4 kB)
314 AR3727 AR3728 AR3723 mosaic 2024-06-26-0705UT Mr Simon Francis Dawes 2024 Jun 26 – 07:05 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 08:50 UTC The Sun No SFD AR3727 AR3728 AR3723 mosaic 2024-06-26-0705UT.jpg (392.7 kB)
315 AR3722 AR3724 2024-06-26-0647UT Mr Simon Francis Dawes 2024 Jun 26 – 06:47 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 08:48 UTC The Sun No SFD AR3722 AR3724 2024-06-26-0647UT.jpg (310.4 kB)
316 AR3721 2024-06-26-0640UT Mr Simon Francis Dawes 2024 Jun 26 – 06:40 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 08:47 UTC The Sun No SFD AR3721 2024-06-26-0640UT.jpg (260.6 kB)
317 AR3720 2024-06-26-0719UT Mr Simon Francis Dawes 2024 Jun 26 – 07:19 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 08:46 UTC The Sun No SFD AR3720 2024-06-26-0719UT.jpg (293.9 kB)
318 AR3719 2024-06-26-0723UT Mr Simon Francis Dawes 2024 Jun 26 – 07:23 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 08:44 UTC The Sun No SFD AR3719 2024-06-26-0723UT.jpg (321.3 kB)
319 WHole Disk White Light 2024-06-26-0635UT Mr Simon Francis Dawes 2024 Jun 26 – 06:35 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 08:43 UTC The Sun No SFD WHole Disk White Light 2024-06-26-0635UT.jpg (1.0 MB)
320 AR3727 Luigi Morrone 2024 Jun 28 – 08:13 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 07:03 UTC The Sun No 2024-06-28_0913_White_Light_Morrone.jpg (751.9 kB)
321 AR3727 Luigi Morrone 2024 Jun 28 – 09:13 UTC 2024 Jul 01 – 07:02 UTC The Sun No 2024-06-28_0913_White_Light_Color_Morrone.jpg (1.9 MB)
322 Developing Dumbbell Peter Tickner 2024 Jun 28 – 23:00 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 21:07 UTC M27 No M27 before and after BAA.jpg (2.0 MB)
323 C/2024 G3 (ATLAS), observed by tprystavski BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 25 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) No 2024g3_20240625_tprystavski.jpg (156.1 kB)
324 C/2023 Q1, observed by Alfons Diepvens BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 28 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC C/2023 Q1 No 2023q1_20240628_adiepvens.jpg (484.0 kB)
325 C/2023 C2, observed by tprystavski BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 17 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC C/2023 C2 Yes 2023c2_20240617_tprystavski.jpg (83.4 kB)
326 C/2023 A3, observed by Efrain Morales BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 28 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC C/2023 A3 Yes 2023a3_20240628_emorales.jpg (324.7 kB)
327 C/2023 A3, observed by Ian Sharp BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 28 – 21:09 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC C/2023 A3 Yes 2023a3_20240628_210940_ids.jpg (522.3 kB)
328 C/2023 A3, observed by Ian Sharp BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 28 – 08:23 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC C/2023 A3 Yes 2023a3_20240628_082300_ids.jpg (767.2 kB)
329 C/2023 A3, observed by Kos Coronaios BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 27 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC C/2023 A3 Yes 2023a3_20240627_kcoronaios.jpg (141.3 kB)
330 C/2023 A3, observed by Fabrizio Montanucci BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 27 – 20:09 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC C/2023 A3 Yes 2023a3_20240627_200914_fmontanucci.jpg (1.5 MB)
331 C/2023 A3, observed by Martin Mobberley BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 27 – 04:47 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC C/2023 A3 Yes 2023a3_20240627_0447_mpm.jpg (640.5 kB)
332 C/2023 A3, observed by Ian Sharp BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 26 – 21:12 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC C/2023 A3 Yes 2023a3_20240626_211230_ids.jpg (510.9 kB)
333 C/2023 A3, observed by Ian Sharp BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 25 – 09:01 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC C/2023 A3 Yes 2023a3_20240625_090200_ids.jpg (1.7 kB)
334 C/2023 A3, observed by Peter Carson BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 24 – 22:15 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC C/2023 A3 Yes 2023a3_20240624_2215_pcarson.jpg (375.6 kB)
335 C/2023 A3, observed by Peter Carson BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 21 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC C/2023 A3 Yes 2023a3_20240621_pcarson.jpg (388.6 kB)
336 C/2022 U1, observed by Alfons Diepvens BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 28 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC C/2022 U1 No 2022u1_20240628_adiepvens.jpg (248.0 kB)
337 C/2021 X1, observed by Alfons Diepvens BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 28 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC C/2021 X1 No 2021x1_20240628_adiepvens.jpg (291.7 kB)
338 C/2021 S3, observed by Peter Carson BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 24 – 22:46 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC C/2021 S3 No 2021s3_20240624_2246_pcarson.jpg (578.4 kB)
339 13P Olbers, observed by Nick James BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 28 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC 13P Olbers Yes 13p_20240628_ndj.jpg (2.3 MB)
340 13P Olbers, observed by Mike Olason BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 28 – 04:24 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC 13P Olbers No 13p_20240628_0424_molason.jpg (197.6 kB)
341 Backyard setup scope: C14 HyperStar fl728mm D356... BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 25 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC 13P Olbers Yes 13p_20240625_dbartlett.jpg (415.3 kB)
342 13P/Olbers 2024 jun 24 UT 21.15 25min filter UV/IR... BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 24 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC 13P Olbers Yes 13p_20240624_mjaeger.jpg (271.1 kB)
343 Backyard setup scope: C14 HyperStar fl728mm D356... BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 24 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC 13P Olbers Yes 13p_20240624_dbartlett.jpg (340.7 kB)
344 13P Olbers, observed by Nick James BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 24 – 22:35 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC 13P Olbers Yes 13p_20240624_223518_ndj.jpg (1.6 MB)
345 13P/Olbers 2024 jun 24 UT 21.15 30min LRGB 11"... BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 24 – 21:15 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC 13P Olbers Yes 13p_20240624_2115_mjaeger.jpg (376.3 kB)
346 13P Olbers, observed by Fabrizio Montanucci BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 24 – 20:05 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC 13P Olbers Yes 13p_20240624_200552_fmontanucci.jpg (1.4 MB)
347 12P Pons-Brooks, observed by Kos Coronaios BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 27 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC 12P Pons-Brooks Yes 12p_20240627_kcoronaios.jpg (480.0 kB)
348 125P Spacewatch, observed by Alfons Diepvens BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 28 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 18:19 UTC 125P Spacewatch No 125p_20240628_adiepvens.jpg (395.9 kB)
349 NGC 2623 Dr Paul Leyland 2023 Mar 10 – 22:15 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 17:20 UTC NGC2623 Yes NGC_2623.png (618.8 kB)
350 2 Pallas and T CrB Gary Poyner 2024 Jun 30 – 14:34 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 14:38 UTC 2 Pallas, T-CrB No TCrB-Pallas June 2024.jpg (238.2 kB)
351 NGC 2881 Dr Paul Leyland 2023 Mar 16 – 00:15 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 13:56 UTC Arp 275, NGC2881 Yes N2881.png (339.5 kB)
352 Messier M30 Globular Cluster Ivan Walton 2024 Jun 30 – 03:14 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 10:42 UTC M30 Yes m30_20240630_031441_0_iyzf3s_l.jpg (715.8 kB)
353 Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) Ivan Walton 2024 Jun 29 – 22:09 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 10:31 UTC C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) No c-2023a3_20240629_220955_0_tq4rcr_l.jpg (404.6 kB)
354 M31 Andromeda galaxy Martina McGovern 2023 Aug 16 – 23:00 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 10:05 UTC M31 Yes M31_L_Pro_16Aug_15Sept23 BAA.jpg (1.9 MB)
355 Arp 261 in Libra Paul Downing 2024 Jun 29 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 09:56 UTC Arp 261 Yes Arp261_290624_Final.jpg (4.2 MB)
356 Noctilucent Clouds from South Norfolk David Basey 2024 Jun 28 – 22:12 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 09:40 UTC Noctilucent cloud No 20240628_231247.jpg (937.9 kB)
357 Sun FD in h-alpha 20220426 Kwong Man 2022 Apr 26 – 12:10 UTC 2024 Jun 30 – 09:34 UTC The Sun No Sun-FD-20220426-70mmF6ref-Quark-0.5FR-1pane-ImPPG-color2.jpg (1.4 MB)
358 Asteroid 2024 MK Nick James 2024 Jun 29 – 22:37 UTC 2024 Jun 29 – 22:38 UTC 2024 MK No 2024mk2_20240629_2220_ndj.gif (8.5 MB)
359 AR3727 2024-06-25-0718UT - AR3728 0720UT (mosaic) Mr Simon Francis Dawes 2024 Jun 25 – 07:18 UTC 2024 Jun 29 – 15:21 UTC The Sun No SFD AR3727 2024-06-25-0718UT - AR3728 0720UT (mosaic).jpg (333.7 kB)
360 AR3722 2024-06-25-0713UT Mr Simon Francis Dawes 2024 Jun 25 – 07:13 UTC 2024 Jun 29 – 15:20 UTC The Sun No SFD AR3722 AR3724 2024-06-25-0713UT.jpg (280.4 kB)
361 AR3721 2024-06-25-0729UT Mr Simon Francis Dawes 2024 Jun 25 – 07:29 UTC 2024 Jun 29 – 15:18 UTC The Sun No SFD AR3721 2024-06-25-0729UT.jpg (301.2 kB)
362 R3719 2024-06-25-0725UT Mr Simon Francis Dawes 2024 Jun 25 – 07:25 UTC 2024 Jun 29 – 15:17 UTC The Sun No SFD AR3719 2024-06-25-0725UT.jpg (374.6 kB)
363 Sun Whole Disk White Light 2024-06-25-0657UT Mr Simon Francis Dawes 2024 Jun 25 – 06:57 UTC 2024 Jun 29 – 15:16 UTC The Sun No SFD 2024-06-25-0657 full disk white light.jpg (1.2 MB)
364 Noctilucent Clouds from Orkney Callum Potter 2024 Jun 29 – 00:30 UTC 2024 Jun 29 – 14:43 UTC Noctilucent cloud No 20240629003000_p.jpg (455.4 kB)
365 NLC from West Sussex Nick Quinn 2024 Jun 28 – 21:34 UTC 2024 Jun 29 – 11:28 UTC Noctilucent cloud No NLC-20240628_213413.jpg (1.7 MB)
366 NLC from N Oxfordshire Tim Haymes 2024 Jun 28 – 22:27 UTC 2024 Jun 29 – 11:14 UTC Mirfak, Noctilucent cloud No NLC_IMG_5382_sml_2024-06-28_2227ut.JPG (235.7 kB)
367 SH2-86 narrowband Simon Paul Davis 2024 Jun 22 – 11:10 UTC 2024 Jun 29 – 10:53 UTC Sharpless 86, NGC6823, NGC6820 Yes SH2-86_final.jpg (513.6 kB)
368 Noctilucent cloud Ken Kennedy 2024 Jun 29 – 01:09 UTC 2024 Jun 29 – 10:14 UTC Noctilucent cloud No 2024 Jun 28-29 0109 UT Kennedy.jpg (777.5 kB)
369 Noctilucent clouds from Norfolk Duncan Hale-Sutton 2024 Jun 28 – 22:11 UTC 2024 Jun 29 – 08:26 UTC Noctilucent cloud No 20240628_231149.jpg (1.6 MB)
370 Jupiter Drawings Apparition 2023 Dean Norris 2024 Jun 29 – 01:23 UTC 2024 Jun 29 – 01:27 UTC Jupiter No Jupiter Drawings 2023 Apparition JPEG.jpg (892.6 kB)
371 M56 Carl Frederick Hansen 2024 Jun 28 – 01:00 UTC 2024 Jun 29 – 00:12 UTC M56 No M56 28 June 2024.jpeg (359.2 kB)
372 AR 3727 Mattia Piccoli 2024 Jun 28 – 08:43 UTC 2024 Jun 28 – 19:09 UTC The Sun No 2024_06_28_SUN_AR3727.png (144.8 kB)
373 NGC 5322 Elliptical Galaxy in Ursa Major Alan Thomas 2024 Jun 14 – 21:08 UTC 2024 Jun 28 – 14:46 UTC NGC5322 Yes NGC 5322 ellip gal COAST v3image-jpeg-i.jpeg (161.2 kB)
374 The Crescent Nebula Mr Ian David Sharp 2024 Jun 28 – 13:34 UTC 2024 Jun 28 – 13:39 UTC NGC6888 Yes NGC6888_HOO_rgb_stars_BAA.jpg (904.9 kB)
375 M 1-67 Mattia Piccoli 2024 Jun 27 – 21:37 UTC 2024 Jun 28 – 12:37 UTC PK064+15.1 No 2024_06_27_M1-67.jpg (93.8 kB)
376 Drift in System 2 Longitude GRS Years 2011 -2024 Dean Norris 2024 Jun 28 – 00:11 UTC 2024 Jun 28 – 00:13 UTC Jupiter No 100x190 .058 copy.jpg (1.6 MB)
377 NGC 7635 -the 'Bubble' nebula Peter Tickner 2024 Jun 26 – 23:15 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 22:18 UTC NGC7635 No NGC7635 BAA Jun26 Max.jpg (1.9 MB)
378 IC 5070 Mattia Piccoli 2024 Jun 26 – 21:20 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 20:53 UTC IC5070 Yes 2024_06_26_I5070.jpg (423.0 kB)
379 Henize70 Nebula Luigi Morrone 2023 Feb 01 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 14:23 UTC Yes Henize70_SHO_Lmorr_TL_BAA.jpg (2.0 MB)
380 Comet 2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-Atlas on June 27th Martin Mobberley 2024 Jun 27 – 04:47 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 11:21 UTC C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) Yes 2023a3_20240627_0447_mpm.jpg (640.5 kB)
381 Sagitta widefield David Strange 2024 Jun 26 – 23:55 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 08:40 UTC M27, M71, Collinder 399 Yes M71_20240626_dgs.jpg (1.4 MB)
382 2024-06-08_0919_White_Light_Morrone Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 08 – 09:19 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 07:44 UTC The Sun No 2024-06-08_0919_White_Light_Morrone.jpg (773.2 kB)
383 SFD AR3702 2024-06-07-0716UT Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 07 – 07:16 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 07:43 UTC The Sun No SFD AR3702 2024-06-07-0716UT.jpg (165.3 kB)
384 SFD AR3697 2024-06-07-0706UT Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 07 – 07:06 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 07:42 UTC The Sun No SFD AR3697 2024-06-07-0706UT.jpg (289.0 kB)
385 SFD Full Disk White Light 2024-06-07-0636UT Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 07 – 06:36 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 07:41 UTC The Sun No SFD Full Disk White Light 2024-06-07-0636UT.jpg (1.4 MB)
386 2024-06-02 09-47 AR3697 loop flare BWH Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 02 – 09:47 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 07:39 UTC The Sun No 2024-06-02 09-47 AR3697 loop flare BWH.jpg (129.7 kB)
387 2024-06-02 09-28 c6 flare BWH Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 02 – 09:28 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 07:38 UTC The Sun No 2024-06-02 09-28 c6 flare BWH.jpg (329.2 kB)
388 2024-06-02 09-14_false colour BWH Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 02 – 09:14 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 07:37 UTC The Sun No 2024-06-02 09-14_false colour BWH.jpg (141.6 kB)
389 2024-06-02 09-06 AR3697_3701 BWH Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 02 – 09:06 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 07:36 UTC The Sun No 2024-06-02 09-06 AR3697_3701 BWH.jpg (247.8 kB)
390 DWGS_SW_Halpha_2024_06_07_0649inv Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 07 – 06:47 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 07:34 UTC The Sun No DWGS_SW_Halpha_2024_06_07_0649inv.jpg (595.5 kB)
391 DWGS_Halpha_2024_06_07_0649 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 07 – 06:49 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 07:33 UTC The Sun No DWGS_Halpha_2024_06_07_0649.jpg (955.8 kB)
392 DWGS_AR3697etc_WL-G_2024_06_07_0704 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 07 – 07:04 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 07:32 UTC The Sun No DWGS_AR3697etc_WL-G_2024_06_07_0704.jpg (954.6 kB)
393 DWGS_WL-G_2024_06_07_0658 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 07 – 06:58 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 07:31 UTC The Sun No DWGS_WL-G_2024_06_07_0658.jpg (932.4 kB)
394 Sun_Samworth_070624 Peter Meadows 2024 Jun 20 – 07:18 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 07:30 UTC The Sun No Sun_Samworth_070624.jpg (1.5 MB)
395 C/2023 V4, observed by Nick James BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 22 – 22:57 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 04:53 UTC C/2023 V4 No 2023v4_20240622_225749_ndj.jpg (472.6 kB)
396 C/2023 V4, observed by Nick James BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 19 – 23:13 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 04:53 UTC C/2023 V4 Yes 2023v4_20240619_231309_ndj.jpg (773.5 kB)
397 C/2023 V4, observed by Nick James BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 18 – 23:58 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 04:53 UTC C/2023 V4 Yes 2023v4_20240618_235851_ndj.jpg (723.9 kB)
398 C/2023 A3, observed by tprystavski BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 24 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 04:53 UTC C/2023 A3 Yes 2023a3_20240624_tprystavski.jpg (149.2 kB)
399 C/2023 A3, observed by Martin Mobberley BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 24 – 04:58 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 04:53 UTC C/2023 A3 Yes 2023a3_20240624_0458_mpm.jpg (634.3 kB)
400 C/2023 A3, observed by Alfons Diepvens BAA Comet Section 2024 Jun 23 – 00:00 UTC 2024 Jun 27 – 04:53 UTC C/2023 A3 Yes 2023a3_20240623_adiepvens.jpg (270.2 kB)
Copyright of all images and other observations submitted to the BAA remains with the owner of the work. Reproduction of work by third parties is expressly forbidden without the consent of the copyright holder. By submitting images to this online gallery, you grant the BAA permission to reproduce them in any of our publications.