Gary Poyner

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  • in reply to: V606 Vul #584900
    Gary Poyner

    Latest datapoint in AAVSO is 16.9V on Nov 11.  That’s a 4.5 mag drop in just 5 days.   Pretty quick.  V1391 Cas took twice as long to drop by a similar magnitude  ~ 10 days.


    in reply to: BAA AGM livestream #584840
    Gary Poyner

    I echo all the sentiments here.   An excellent meeting, top quality video, sound levels perfect and very well presented.

    Well done to all involved.


    in reply to: Cataclysmic variable #584813
    Gary Poyner

    I’ve not seen it either due to the weather, and am keen to do so.   Once faded, there is a chance of a rebrightening(s).   It doesn’t have to be a UGWZ to do this, as I have seen UGSU’s show a rebrightening (In 1996 I once observed a normal outburst in UV Per trigger a superoutburst followed by one rebrightening), but not more than one as UGWZ’s are prone to do.


    in reply to: Cataclysmic variable #584807
    Gary Poyner

    VSNET-alert 26333 today announced that early superhumps with a period of 0.05404(4) d and amplitude of 0.055m had been detected (by Tonny Vanmunster), and that the object is a UGWZ type star.   I must say that to me it seems a bit early to give this classification as definite, so probably wait for more data before we all go down the pub to celebrate.   Taichi Kato isn’t often wrong in these matters though.

    There is a chart and a very limited sequence (two stars so far) available for download from the AAVSO here, using the designation XM78HT or AT 2021ABOG.

    Latest magnitude in the AAVSO DB is Vanmunsters showing 13.9-14.0C. (Oct 18.2 UT)


    in reply to: LL And rare outburst #584770
    Gary Poyner

    Here is my light curve of the outburst so far.   Last night (Oct 11) it was fainter then 17.9CV.   LL And dropped just over two magnitudes in two days.

    I’ll certainly continue to monitor for any rebrightening(s).


    in reply to: GK Per (Nova Per 1901) #584757
    Gary Poyner

    Observations from last night and this morning (Oct 3-4) show very little change in the brightness of GK Per, so the outburst announcement which appeared on various VS mailing lists MAY have been a little premature.   However an outburst is due sooner rather than later, so please keep your eyes on it.


    in reply to: LL And rare outburst #584684
    Gary Poyner

    Hi Robin,

    I think it probably was LL And.  I have a pre-print of a paper written by Taichi Kato in 1993 and printed in PASJ, which suggests that the 1979 Nova was indeed LL And (there were positional issues with the 1979 report).   In it Kato-san writes (about the 1979 event)…

    This supposed identification, which was later confirmed by the detection of a new outburst in 1993, of a relatively bright (19 mag) quiescent counterpart naturally suggested the dwarf nova-type classification.  This information was quickly relayed to observers through the international alert networks (e.g. VSNET) and the object has been continuously monitored since then. The long-awaited next outburst finally occurred in 1993

    I know I was observing it for a long time before the 1993 outburst, and was thrilled to see it for the first time then, confirming Tonny VanMunsters original detection.   Indeed Tonny (in Belgium) and I were discussing the outburst on the telephone whilst looking at it through our telescopes!   We did this several times in the 1990’s during rare outburst detections.   Sadly those days are now gone – as has some of the fun of it.


    in reply to: LL And rare outburst #584673
    Gary Poyner

    LL And was first seen in outburst in December 1993, and the last confirmed outburst occured in December 2008.  One other outburst was observed in June 2004 (although there have been three unconfirmed sightings visually since 2013)

    LL And was fainter than 17.9CV on September 10 2021.

    Nice find Jeremy.


    in reply to: Nova Vul 2021 #584474
    Gary Poyner

    I’ve just seen it visually at mag. 12.0 on Jly 16.948 UT,   It’s a very red field, so poor comparison choices (high B-V).


    EDIT July 18:  With the release of the AAVSO sequence, the above magnitude of 12.0 should be revised to 12.3.   Fortunately the AAVSO selected the same comparison star I used, but with a slightly fainter value.


    in reply to: Outburst of the WZ Sge star V627 Peg #584476
    Gary Poyner

    I recorded it at 10.51CV on a SLOOH image on Jly 16.158 UT.

    There is a close 151 star a couple of arc seconds away, so my measure was of a blended object.  Very difficult at minimum visually to get a good measure.


    in reply to: CG Dra: a VSS campaign #584429
    Gary Poyner

    CG Dra currently in outburst …

    Jly 04.909  16.77CV; Jly 05.951  15.98CV;  Jly 06.695  15.89CV

    About 20d since previous (long) outburst.


    in reply to: RX And – CV period ? #584412
    Gary Poyner


    This is the orbital period (Porb) of the system.


    in reply to: CG Dra: a VSS campaign #584375
    Gary Poyner

    It appears that the slightly overdue outburst of CG Dra has finally started…

    June 16.895 UT  15.87CV  (SLOOH)


    in reply to: Nova in Hercules #584336
    Gary Poyner

    Observed with 10x50B and a 5 degree chart drawn with VSP using the 61 star, I get 6.2 on June 12 at 22h 06m UT.


    in reply to: 2021 June 10 partial eclipse livestream #584322
    Gary Poyner


    Nope.   Thought long and hard but decided not to apply for tickets.   I would never have got my small Dob in anyway 😉


    in reply to: 2021 June 10 partial eclipse livestream #584316
    Gary Poyner

    Solar Eclipse.  Breaks in cloud. TMS with tea and digestive biscuits.

    Life is sweet..


    in reply to: CG Dra: a VSS campaign #584202
    Gary Poyner

    CG Dra has been slowly rising to outburst over the past couple of nights…

    May 10.06UT  17.06CV

    May 12.01UT  16.88CV

    May 12.98UT  16.15CV

    May 13.95UT  15.90CV

    Uisng both the OU COAST and SLOOH 2


    in reply to: ER Uma and RZ Lmi: Observations requested. #584172
    Gary Poyner


    ER UMa at 12.4 visual on May 05.063UT.  My previous observation was 14.6 visual on May 01.965UT


    in reply to: Nova Cas 2021 #584139
    Gary Poyner

    Hi David,

    It seems the BAAVSS database has not combined the alias ‘Nova Cas 2021’ with the correct designation V1405 Cas.   The latter shows visual and other photmetric data – which also shows the rise in brightness.


    in reply to: Winchester Weekend 50th, April 2016 #584046
    Gary Poyner

    Brought a tear to my eye…


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