BAA Journal – Volume 129 Number 1 – February 2019

Jupiter’s North Equatorial Belt & Jet Part 1: Cyclic expansions & planetary waves - John H. Rogers
Short Paper: The mean distance from the Earth to the Moon - Jean Meeus
lunar crytomare dome near Cavalerius A & Hevelius A - Raffaello Lena & K. C. Pau
The nebula vanishes: a disappearance of McNeil’s Nebula - Nick Hewitt
‘Through which end do I look?’ – the absolute basics of using a telescope - David Arditti
Amateur discovery of nova in the Andromeda Galaxy - George Carey
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Refereed Papers
- 13Jupiter’s North Equatorial Belt & Jet Part 1: Cyclic expansions & planetary waves - John H. Rogers
- 27Short Paper: The mean distance from the Earth to the Moon - Jean Meeus
- 29Alice Grace Cook: An East Anglian meteor observer William Barton
- 38lunar crytomare dome near Cavalerius A & Hevelius A - Raffaello Lena & K. C. Pau
Notes and News
- 3From the President - Callum Potter
- 3The nebula vanishes: a disappearance of McNeil’s Nebula - Nick Hewitt
- 4Comet 46P/Wirtanen’s December close approach - Nick James
- 5Loughton Astronomical Society celebrates 50th anniversary with Astro Festival - Brian Morton
- 6(156) Xanthippe occultation Tim Haymes
- 7Activity 2018 September 1–November 30 - Sandra Brantingham
- 7Observations of Mercury: 2016–’18 - Richard McKim
- 8Venus, eastern elongation 2018 June–October - Paul Abel
- 9Solar Section - Lyn Smith
- 11‘Through which end do I look?’ – the absolute basics of using a telescope - David Arditti
- 12From the Journal archive - John Chuter
- 54Mercury (William Sheehan)
- 54BAA Weekend Meeting, Christchurch, Dorset: 2018 September 7–9
BAA Updates
- 54New members
Observers' Forum
- 45A new comet: C/2018 Y1 (Iwamoto) - Nick James
- 45Amateur discovery of nova in the Andromeda Galaxy - George Carey
- 46Eridanus: winter nights on the river - Nick Hewitt
- 48Highlights from the 2018 Observer’s Challenges - Andy Wilson
- 51Discovery of first resolved triple white dwarf Jeremy Shears & Martin Mobberley
- 30Photograph: BAA Council, 2018 May
- 49Letter: the Origin of Crux - Ian Ridpath
- 51Nominations for the Ballot for the BAA Council and Board of Trustees Bill Tarver
- 56Sky notes for 2019 February & March - Brian Mills
- 58Meetings diary & notices