BAA Journal – Volume 129 Number 3 – June 2019

The eastern & western elongations of Venus, 2007–’17 Part II: The nocturnal hemisphere - Richard McKim
Jupiter’s North Equatorial Belt & Jet Part III:The ‘great northern upheaval’ in 2012 - John H. Rogers
Exposing the Heart of Darkness: the black hole in M87 imaged - Nick Hewitt
Restoration of the Great Melbourne Telescope: volunteers needed - Simon Brink
To access this journal you need to join the association
Refereed Papers
- 139The brighter comets of 2014 - Jonathan Shanklin
- 149The eastern & western elongations of Venus, 2007–’17 Part II: The nocturnal hemisphere - Richard McKim
- 158Jupiter’s North Equatorial Belt & Jet Part III:The ‘great northern upheaval’ in 2012 - John H. Rogers
- 170The exceptional asteroid 2015 BZ509 - Jean Meeus
Notes and News
- 127From the President - Callum Potter
- 127Exposing the Heart of Darkness: the black hole in M87 imaged - Nick Hewitt
- 128Restoration of the Great Melbourne Telescope: volunteers needed - Simon Brink
- 129Auroral & NLC activity, 2019 March 1 – April 28 - Sandra Brantingham
- 130Apollo & the BAA Lunar Section - Bill Leatherbarrow
- 132Join the BAA Variable Star Section campaign to observe old nova HR Lyr Jeremy Shears
- 133Solar Section - Lyn Smith
- 135A new challenge for Mercury observers - Richard McKim
- 136The IAU at 100: Amateur Astronomy Day - Richard Miles
- 137Understanding image defects (part II) - David Arditti
- 138From the Journal archive - John Chuter
- 173Lettertt Remembering Cicely Botley - Terry Byatt
BAA Updates
- 176A gem of a lighting scheme - Bob Mizon
- 177The 2019 Practical Astronomy Show - Janice McClean
Observers' Forum
- 173An exceptional fireball - Nick James
- 174Observing transiting ‘hot Jupiter’ exoplanets with the MicroObservatory Martin Fowler
- 176Searching for the Swan’s eggs: planetary nebulae in Cygnus - Nick Hewitt
- 180BAA Ordinary Meeting & Christmas Lecture, 2018 December 8 - Alan Dowdell
- 182BAA Ordinary Meeting, 2019 January 26
- 157Membership information
- 173From the BAA archives - John Chuter
- 184Sky notes for 2019 June & July - Brian Mills
- 186Meetings diary & small advertisements