BAA Journal – Volume 130 Number 6 – December 2020

Maria Mitchell, the Danish comet medal & early American astronomytt Jacqueline Mitton
Eclipse time variations & the continued search for companions to short-period eclipsing binary systems - George Faillace et al.
The Quadrantids & December alpha Draconids 2012–2019: Multi-year meteor videography Alex Pratt
Astronomy for all – all for astronomy: investigating diversity & acceptance in amateur astronomy - Claudia Antaloni, Osnat Katz & Helen Usher
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Refereed Papers
- 342Supernova Betelgeuse? - Mark Kidger
- 349Maria Mitchell, the Danish comet medal & early American astronomytt Jacqueline Mitton
- 357Eclipse time variations & the continued search for companions to short-period eclipsing binary systems - George Faillace et al.
- 365The Quadrantids & December alpha Draconids 2012–2019: Multi-year meteor videography Alex Pratt
Notes and News
- 327From the President - Alan Lorrain
- 328Astronomy for all – all for astronomy: investigating diversity & acceptance in amateur astronomy - Claudia Antaloni, Osnat Katz & Helen Usher
- 329In brief - Philip Jennings
- 329Another one bites the dust: Gyulbudaghian’s Nebula disappears - Nick Hewitt
- 330Christmas Quiz - Marie-Louise Archer et al.
- 332In remembrance of Maria Winckelmann - Janice McClean
- 334Auroral & NLC activity 2020 September 1 – October 31 - Sandra Brantingham
- 335Mary Acworth Evershed & Sheila Anne Boulter: the two female Directors of the Historical Section - Mike Frost & Bill Barton
- 336Comet Prospects for 2021 - Jonathan Shanklin
- 338Solar Section - Lyn Smith
- 340Using a polarscope - David Arditti
- 341From the Journal archive - John Chuter
- 370Centenaries for 2021 - Barry Hetherington
- 371The Yearbook of Astronomy 2021 (Jones, ed.) - James Dawson
- 376BAA Ordinary Meeting, 2020 May 27 - Alan Dowdell
BAA Updates
- 372Obituary: George Faillace (1937–2020) - David Pulley
- 373The Archives From the BAA bookshelf – Splendour of the Heavens (1923) - Richard McKim
- 375From the BAA Archives - John Chuter
Observers' Forum
- 377Two binocular clusters for starlit nights - Stewart Moore
- 379The Z Cam stars - Gary Poyner
- 372Membership information
- 374Letters The thinnest lunar crescent? - Peter Macdonald
- 374The pronunciation of ‘Halley’ – a mystery solved? - Bill Tarver
- 380Sky notes for 2020 December & 2021 January - Nick Hewitt
- 382Meetings diary & small advertisements
- 383Board of Trustees and Council, Session 2020–2021