Previous Events

15 June 2024

Webb Deep-Sky Society Annual Meeting 2024

The Webb Deep-Sky Society are holding their Annual Meeting 2024 on the 15th of June at the Institute

Non-BAA Meeting

5 June 2024

BAA Meeting

We will be holding a meeting on Wednesday 5th June 2024 from 17:00 to 20:00 at the Institute of Phys

BAA Meeting

18 May 2024

Historical Section Meeting 2024

The next Historical Section meeting will take place at the Museum Street Methodist Church, Ipswich o

BAA Meeting | Historical

11 May 2024

BAA One Day Spring Meeting 2024

The BAA One Day Spring Meeting will be held in Greenock near Glasgow on the topic of “The Music of S

BAA Meeting

27 April 2024

SPA Meeting

The Society for Popular Astronomy are holding a meeting on 27th April 2024, 14:00–17:30 (doors open

Non-BAA Meeting

12 April 2024

BAA Winchester Weekend

The BAA Winchester Weekend for 2024 will be held from Friday 12th to Sunday 14th April. It will incl

BAA Meeting

27 March 2024

BAA Meeting

We will be holding a meeting on Wednesday 27th March 2024 from 17:00 to 20:00 at the Institute of Ph

BAA Meeting

16 March 2024

Deep Sky Section Annual Meeting

The BAA Deep Sky Section annual meeting will be held on March 16th 2024 at the Humfrey Rooms, Northa

BAA Meeting | Deep Sky

10 February 2024

Postponed – Exoplanet Division software tutorial – Online meeting

We regret that this online meeting has been postponed. We expect the new date to be in the late summ

BAA Meeting | Exoplanets

27 January 2024

SPA Meeting

The Society for Popular Astronomy are holding a meeting and their AGM on 27th January 2024, 14:00–17

Non-BAA Meeting

20 January 2024

Special General Meeting and BAA Meeting

We will be holding a meeting on Saturday 20th January 2023 from 14:30 to 18:00 at the Institute of P

BAA Meeting

11 January 2024

Deep Sky Section Webinar

An online meeting of the Deep Sky Section will be held on Thursday January 11th 2024 from 19:30 to a

Deep Sky

9 December 2023

BAA Christmas Meeting 2023

We will be holding our 2023 Christmas Meeting on Saturday 9th December from 2pm to 7pm at the Instit

BAA Meeting

24 November 2023

Solar Section Zoom Meeting

The BAA Solar Section will be holding a Zoom meeting on Friday 24th November at 7:30pm (UK time). Th

BAA Meeting | Solar

22 November 2023

Historical Section Webinar – Prof Nick Lomb: “Australian Eclipses 1857 and 1871”

We welcome Professor Nick Lomb of the University of Southern Queensland; co-editor of “Eclipse Chase

Webinar | Historical

25 October 2023

BAA AGM 2023

We will be holding our AGM on Wednesday 25th October from 17:00 to 20:00 at the Institute of Physics

BAA Meeting

30 September 2023

Variations on an Exoplanet theme (revised date) – Online Meeting

EXPLORE – EXoPLanet Orbit Research The BAA’s Exoplanet Division will be holding a webinar on the top

28 September 2023

Deep Sky Zoom

Galaxy cluster Abell 1656 by Graham Winstanley An on-line meeting of the Deep Sky Section will be he

BAA Meeting | Webinar | Deep Sky

22 September 2023

BAA Autumn Meeting 2023 – Practical Amateur Astronomy

We will be holding our Autumn meeting from Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th September 2023 in Leicester. T

BAA Meeting

2 September 2023

Variable Star Section Meeting

Saturday September 2nd, 2023 – Northamptonshire Natural History Society The Humfrey Rooms, 10 Castil

BAA Meeting | Variable Stars

29 July 2023

SPA Meeting

The Society for Popular Astronomy are holding a meeting on 29th July 2023. BAA members are welcome a

Non-BAA Meeting

8 July 2023

Comet Section Meeting

After a long break we are planning our first face-to-face section meeting to take place at the Natio

BAA Meeting

7 June 2023

BAA Meeting and George Alcock Lecture

We will be holding a meeting on Wednesday 7th June 2023 from 17:00 to 20:00 at the Institute of Phys

20 May 2023

Historical Section Meeting 2023

Our 2023 Historical Section meeting will take place on Saturday May 20th 2023 at the Birmingham and

BAA Meeting | Historical

13 May 2023

BAA Spring Meeting – Cosmology: Galaxies and Stars

We will be holding our Spring meeting in Cardiff at the Oriel suite of the National Museum Cardiff:

29 April 2023

SPA Meeting

The Society for Popular Astronomy are holding a meeting on 29th April 2023. BAA members are welcome

Non-BAA Meeting

14 April 2023

BAA Winchester Weekend

The BAA Winchester Weekend for 2023 will be held from Friday 14th to Sunday 16th April at a cost of

BAA Meeting

29 March 2023

BAA Special General Meeting

We will be holding a Special General Meeting on Wednesday 29th March 2023 from 17:00 to 20:00 at the

19 March 2023

Deep Sky Section Annual Meeting

The 2023 Deep Sky Section meeting will be held at Bedford School, Bedford. You can book your place h

BAA Meeting | Deep Sky

11 March 2023

Joint BAA/SPA Back to Basics Workshop – York

A joint BAA/SPA meeting of talks and practical sessions to help you learn basic techniques and devel

BAA Meeting

11 March 2023

PAS – Practical Astronomy Show 2023

The 2023 Practical Astronomy Show is being held on Saturday 11th March from 9am to 5pm. The show is

Non-BAA Meeting

1 March 2023

Webinar on Multispectral imaging for analysis of Jupiter’s atmosphere

Many amateur observers take beautiful images showing the colours and methane-absorption of Jupiter’s

BAA Meeting | Webinar | Jupiter

18 February 2023

Solar Section Meeting 2023

The BAA Solar Section’s 2022 meeting will be held as a Zoom webinar on Saturday 18th February 2022.

BAA Meeting | Webinar | Solar

28 January 2023

SPA Meeting – Making Dark Matter Maps with Euclid

The Society for Popular Astronomy are holding a meeting on 28th January 2023 at 2pm. BAA members are

Non-BAA Meeting

21 January 2023

BAA Meeting

We will be holding a meeting on Saturday 21st January 2023 from 14:30 to 18:00 at the Institute of P

10 December 2022

BAA Christmas Meeting

You can watch the recording of this meeting here on the BAA YouTube channel. INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS, 3

BAA Meeting

10 December 2022

Christmas Social Gathering

All members are invited to our Christmas social, to take place in the Hubble Room at The Astronomer


1 December 2022

Why Return to the Moon?

This is a Zoom event organised by the UCL/Birkbeck Centre for Planetary Sciences. It is free but the

Non-BAA Meeting | Webinar