BAA Journal – Volume 129 Number 6 – December 2019

lunar survey of the Apennine Bench Formation & identification of volcanic features - Raffaello Lena & Barry FitzGerald
The Universe explained – a cosmic Q&A (Couper & Henbest) - Philip Jennings
Gerard P. Kuiper & the rise of modern planetary science (Sears) Bill Leatherbarrow
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Refereed Papers
- 326The BAA Solar Section observation databases - Peter Meadows
- 329lunar survey of the Apennine Bench Formation & identification of volcanic features - Raffaello Lena & Barry FitzGerald
- 341The brighter comets of 2015 - Jonathan Shanklin
- 351The opposition of Mars, 2012: Part II - Richard McKim
Notes and News
- 315From the President - Alan Lorrain
- 316Good Lighting Award for Kelling Heath Holiday Park - Bob Mizon
- 316Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2019 - Callum Potter
- 317C. H. F. Peters & the curious case of Nova Leonis 1855 - Jeremy Shears
- 318Auroral activity 2019 August 30 – October 31 - Sandra Brantingham
- 318Thomas Cooke celebrated with blue plaque - Martin Dawson
- 319BAA at New Scientist Live 2019 - Janice McClean
- 3202I/Borisov: the first confirmed interstellar comet - Nick James
- 321OSIRIS-REx and the origins of asteroid Bennu - Richard Miles
- 322Solar Section - Lyn Smith
- 324Several telescopes on one mounting - David Arditti
- 325From the Journal archive - John Chuter
- 359Centenaries for 2020 - Barry Hetherington
- 365The Universe explained – a cosmic Q&A (Couper & Henbest) - Philip Jennings
- 366Grant Privett
- 367Dark skies: a journey into the wild night (Francis) - Bob Mizon
- 367Gerard P. Kuiper & the rise of modern planetary science (Sears) Bill Leatherbarrow
- 368Letters ‘Cicely Botley & the ‘bright red star’ of 1245 July’ - Richard L. Stratford
- 369BAA Spring Meeting – ‘Galaxies’ - Andrew Mowbray
- 370BAA Summer Meeting – ‘Astronomy & space today’ - Alan Dowdell
BAA Updates
- 361Obituary: Stuart Hawkins (1924–2019) - Bob Mizon
- 361BAA Handbook 2020: a correction - Steve Harvey
Observers' Forum
- 362Comet prospects for 2020 - Jonathan Shanklin
- 364Sailing with the Argonauts - Stewart Moore
- 340Membership information
- 360From the BAA archives - John Chuter
- 372Sky notes for 2019 December & 2020 January Brian Mills
- 374Meetings diary & small advertisements