Hi Denis,
Thanks for this. Very interesting.
I have a personal interest insofar as I was a Geology PhD student in Newcastle 1976-1979 and my supervisor was the late Dr M. Hugh Battey. I seem to recall that he was one a select few who used the telescope for their own devices – he frequently invited me to join him in observations but, alas, I never was able to. This failure I have always regretted.
I believe the observatory was located at the Closehouse Estate to the west of Newcastle – at the time this was the University’s main sports centre and I often played football there. I believe the University sold off Closehouse some years ago. I always wondered what happened to the observatory/telescopes. A few years ago at a BAA meeting in Newcastle I was told that the observatories were no more and that the telescopes were in store (= lost). Believing this, I felt the University had committed a gross act barbarity.
Closehouse is now, I think, some sort of luxury hotel. It was suggested to me that the hotel now owned what was left of the observatory but my informant was not sure. I haven’t been able to find much information about it.
Are we talking about the same place? Or has my age-addled memory failed (again)?
I would be very keen to see these items at least preserved if not restored. I would help as much as I can, but I fear this would be not much in a practical sense.
Best Wishes,
Thank you Denis and Mark for your images of AR2993 and AR2994, now archived. Another large sunspots has joined the show over the north-east limb.
Are there any plans for VSS meetings? It seems a long time since the last one (The joint BAA/AAVSO meeting in 2018?)
Have you seen the obituary in the BAA Journal? Vol 74 pp79-80 Feb 1964 RLW
Purchased 7.5 inch photovisual by Cooke. Obtained 5.5 inch Zeiss photographic triplet of 28 inch focus for which he built a camera. Mounted it on 7.5 inch equatorial. Later bought 12.5 inch Calvin reflector which previously belonged to Hallowes. Became FRAS in 1920. Joined Varaiable Star Section in 1922. A keen musician running his own string quartet Played violin and piano. Sailed his own yacht.
Multiple wrongly directed links from
Spectroscopy workshop at the Norman Lockyer Observatory October 2015
Alpy 600 Spectrograph workshop, Kintbury, October 2016
Observers’ Workshop on Variable Stars, Photometry and Spectroscopy, 29 Sep 2018
Using low resolution spectroscopy to confirm and classify supernovae (video from BAA meeting January 2018)
Starting in Spectroscopy (video from BAA/AAVSO joint meeting on variable stars, July 2018)
Pushing the limits using commercial spectrographs (video from BAA/AAVSO joint meeting on variable stars, July 2018)
Towards full automation of high resolution spectroscopy (video from BAA/AAVSO joint meeting on variable stars, July 2018)
HST CALSPEC calibrated absolute flux spectra for converting relative intensity to FLAM units
EDIT No idea where the graphic came from, I just entered the address of the page
With the release of the new BAA website we have unified the logins with the BAA Membership Database, Sheep CRM.
Many members will have created a Sheep CRM login when joining or renewing. If you haven’t already created a Sheep account then you can do so by following this link:
You have to use the same email address you use for your membership and be a fully paid up member, so the system recognises your membership. Once you have created the login you need to separately login to the BAA website using the login button.
This same login created in Sheep CRM will then work as your login to the BAA website. Note you have to authorise Sheep CRM during the login process and your username is your email address.
The logins will not work with some older browsers where they have unresolved security flaws. Even if you are using an old computer then you may be able to install a modern browser such as Chrome or Firefox.
Google Chrome: https://www.google.co.uk/chrome/
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The very first time you login, you will be taken to a WordPress page. You click British Astronomical Association in the top left to get to the main website. After this first login, you will always land on the BAA website.
If you get stuck then please contact the BAA Office using the form found at https://britastro.org/home/about-us/contact-us. If you are able to login then you will get a quicker response by posting a message on the forum.
Andy Wilson
BAA Systems Administrator
This topic was modified 3 years ago by
Andy Wilson.
This topic was modified 3 years ago by
Andy Wilson.
This topic was modified 3 years ago by
Andy Wilson.
This topic was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by
Andy Wilson.
This topic was modified 1 year, 12 months ago by
Andy Wilson.
This topic was modified 1 year ago by
Andy Wilson.
So sad to hear about Rob’s passing. He was the chairman of the Coventry & Warwickshire Society when I first joined in 1985, and was very welcoming and friendly. I remember him lecturing to C&WAS about his observing from Conder Brow. He seemed to drift away from C&WAS and from astronomy in general over the years, although he would from time-to-time turn up for a meeting. I’m sure we’ll commemorate him in the Coventry society at our next meeting.
Mike Frost
I have come across a paper by Kato et al “Photometric study of new southern SU UMa-type dwarf novae
and candidates: V877 Ara, KK Tel and PU CMa”
So I am occasionally imaging PU CMa as it may be coming up for a superoutburst in January/February. The other two will be better placed in the spring.
In the meantime, I have joined G Poyner and IL Walton in following V1159 Ori.
The Senior Manager of Public Astronomy at the Royal Observatory Greenwich has asked if we could circulate this role that they are looking to fill:
JOB: Support Astronomer (Zero Hours) – Royal Observatory Greenwich, London [Closing Date: 15 January 2022]
We are looking for individuals who have a passion for astronomy, enthusiasm for observing with telescopes and experience in astrophotography to join the Science Learning and Public Engagement department at the Royal Observatory Greenwich as Support Astronomers.
Find the job description here
Support Astronomers are critical to the delivery of our observing programmes, including public observing activity, the acquisition of telescope astrophotography images and other projects. As well as supporting telescope-based activity, post holders deliver planetarium shows to varied audiences. Work opportunities will usually be in the evenings, often after dark, or during the daytime at weekends. Those with availability in the daytime on weekdays will be offered a broader range of work.
Work opportunities will often be irregular, requiring a certain amount of flexibility and responsiveness within realistic limits. Work opportunities will usually be offered 1 month in advance, unless we are seeking emergency support.
Pay: £12.24 per hour plus holiday pay
Closing date: 15 January 2022
To apply follow the link above.
I would also like to add my thanks to the team who put together the streaming of the Christmas Lecture. Having missed the last few due to rail engineering works and then SARs-Cov 2, it was a pleasure to have been able to watch this event live on-line.
As a supporting member of the Natural History Museum (BM) I feel privileged to have twice had the opportunity to join a small group visiting the behind-the-scenes work area at the NHM where the meteorite collection is kept. On both occasions we were shown specimens by Dr Caroline Smith who was excellent in her explanations of these different types of visitors from outer space.
Professor Sara Russell’s mention of the analysis of meteorites through the electron scanning microscope and the x-ray by-product from firing the electrons reminded me of another visit to the NHM where the group on that occasion was able to handle one of the solar panels from Hubble which was brought back to earth by the space shuttle. These panels, which are basically as thin as crisp or peanut wrappers, have small impact holes. The scientist fire the electrons at the impact holes which reveal the structure of those holes and from the x-ray by-product the scientist are able to tell if the impact material was natural or man-made. If the impact material was man-made it was likely to be rocket fuel and through the spectral analysis they could determine if it came from an American or Russian rocket due to the different chemical compositions of the fuel used. I forget the exact ratio of man-made material to natural material but, if memory serves me correct, it was around forty five percent to fifty five percent. My understanding is that rocket fuel is less of a problem nowadays due to most satellites being placed in geostationary orbits.
The talk by Professor Heymans was excellent and interesting Sky Notes as always.
Many thanks,
David C Rayment.
harvard edu also gives reference to the BAA Journal: 1986 96, 5 P299 by Peter Johnson, so should be on the BAA archive DVD.
Apparently joined BAA in December 1940.
Hello all,
I have just joined the BAA and I am also a novice to astronomy. I bought a dobsonian skywatcher last year and have plenty to learn! Are there any observing sessions run by the BAA in the Yorkshire area at all?
I had fully intended to be there in person – I had a ticket!- but was “inconvenienced”. So it was marvellous to join by Zoom, the quality was excellent and the event most enjoyable.
Hello there Jeremy – I don’t have an answer but I see the photo is by a certain Mike Peel.
A chap of the same name used to be a BAA and VSS member. Is this the same MP, and has he rejoined if so I would be very pleased to know that. Mike used to live in Lancashire.
Might you try and contact the photographer to see if he has anymore info.
David Sellers has just published a comprehensive biography of Charles Thomas Whitmell (1849-1919) a school inspector and amateur astronomer from Leeds.
Whitmell was elected to the BAA on 1895 November 27 and the RAS on 1898 December 9. He went on the eclipse expedition to Navalmoral, Spain, in 1900 where he met Lucy Foster. They subsequently married in 1903. Lucy shared Charles’ passion for astronomy and she joined the BAA in her own right on 1902 February 26.
The usual price is £27:00, but David has kindly offered a discounted price of £18:00 to BAA members. To get a copy please apply by email to Magavelda Press: magavelda@ntlworld.com
Further information about the book can be found at http://www.magavelda.co.uk/books/9780954101312.htm

As its water soluble I am hoping the rain over the next couple of days will flush some residue away away and beyond that I am hosing the joint to free up some of the debris left – even if it will wet every thing for a day or two. May have a bash with a cloth soaked with meths or white spirit. Its going to be a week or so until things are dry enough to try bonding again….
I used 3M 4200 marine adhesive sealant when I set up the 3.5m dome (see small ads in the back of JBAA Dec 2019). This was at the recommendation of the dome manufacturer – Sirius in Australia. Get it from some chandlers. The bottom edge of the GRP panels was abraded a little with wet ‘n’ dry to key the surface. I did the work in Sept 2020 and so far it has kept the water out. I got through three tubes of the stuff. However I fear your joint may now be contaminated with mastic, window sealant etc; you will surely need to remove all traces from both the GRP walls and the concrete before using the 3M product or it will be good money after bad,
A long while ago, when I first joined the BAA in the early 70’s, there was an Artificial Satellite Section.
From what I recall, they made observations, recorded timings, did calculations and refined the orbits of satellites.
At some point, the Section folded – perhaps as the excitement and novelty cooled in the post-Apollo era and the photographic surveys took over.
My question would be: when was that?
More generally, I wonder how many other BAA members occasionally set aside some time in their observing sessions to try to image a probe out at a Lagrange point, glimpse a bit of space history like Vanguard 1 (launched 1958) or follow a Tesla hurled into interplanetary space. Does anyone else do this sort of thing or is it just those who remember, first hand, the excitement of men stepping on to the moon and the first images of the craters on Mars.
There are certainly a lot of anecdotal stories from Orkney of people who have heard the aurora.
Rebecca Marr of the Uni of the Highlands and Islands writes:
Many accounts talk of the sound of the lights. The Sami name guovsahasat has been translated by some as ‘the light you can hear’. A 1906 dissertation on the lights by Lane Cooper says:
‘It is a very general belief in certain countries – for instance in the Orkneys, in Finmark, and among the Indians of the territories around Hudson Bay – that the aurora is accompanied by a particular sound, somewhat resembling the rustling of silk. The Lapps, who also believe in the existence of this sound, compare it to the ‘cracking’ which may be heard in the joints of the reindeer when in movement.’