Previous Events

29 July 2020

Supernova Betelgeuse? – Webinar

The subject of this week’s webinar will be Supernova Betelgeuse, What we learnt from the recent

BAA Meeting

22 July 2020

Observing Planetary Nebulae – Webinar

The subject of this week’s webinar will be Observing Planetary Nebulae, given by Owen Braz

BAA Meeting

15 July 2020

BAA & SPA Joint Webinar – Jupiter at opposition & Myths and Illusions

This week’s Wednesday webinar is a joint BAA and the Society for Popular Astronomy event with t

BAA Meeting

8 July 2020

Cook, the Transit of Venus, Aftermath and Legacy – Webinar

The subject of this week’s webinar will be Cook, the Transit of Venus, Aftermath and Legacy,

BAA Meeting

3 July 2020

BAA Summer Meeting, Elgin, Moray – Postponed

We have unfortunately had to postpone this meeting until 2021  BAA Summer Meeting, Moray C

BAA Meeting

3 July 2020

BAA Summer Webinar

Sorry, due to technical problems we have swapped the order of the talks. Colin Snodgrass is speaking

BAA Meeting

1 July 2020

Is SS Cygni losing the plot? Observing unusual outbursts in a well-known dwarf nova – Webinar

The subject of this week’s webinar will be Is SS Cygni losing the plot? Observing unusual outbu

BAA Meeting

24 June 2020

Observing Saturn in 2020 – Webinar

This week’s webinar will be on Observing Saturn in 2020, by Mike Foulkes, the Director of the B

BAA Meeting

19 June 2020

Advanced Planetary Imaging Workshop – Postponed

This will be a one-day workshop in London held jointly with the Society for Popular Astronomy (SPA)

BAA Meeting

17 June 2020

Revd Dr William Pearson: co-founder of the RAS – Webinar

This week’s webinar will be on the Revd Dr William Pearson: co-founder of the RAS, by

BAA Meeting

10 June 2020

Adventures in the Goldilocks Zone – Webinar

This week’s webinar will be Adventures in the Goldilocks Zone: the search for other Earths,

BAA Meeting

3 June 2020

A Journey through the Comet Section archives – Webinar

This week’s webinar will be on A Journey through the Comet Section archives given by Nick James

BAA Meeting

27 May 2020

BAA Meeting – Webinar

This week’s Wednesday webinar will be a little different as it takes the place of a BAA meeting. The

BAA Meeting

27 May 2020

BAA Meeting & George Alcock Memorial Lecture – Postponed

This meeting has been postponed until 2021. Doors open at 17:00 with refreshments outside the lectur

BAA Meeting

20 May 2020

The Solar Cycle – Webinar

This week’s webinar will be on The Solar Cycle, given by Lyn Smith, the BAA Solar Section Director.

BAA Meeting

13 May 2020

Sir Patrick Moore – Early Life, Mentors and Notebooks (Part II) – Webinar

This week’s webinar will be the second and final part of Sir Patrick Moore – Early Life, Mentor

BAA Meeting

8 May 2020

Variable Star Section Meeting – Cancelled

Variable Star Section Meeting, Northampton 10:00-17:30 Humfrey Rooms in Northampton    Org

BAA Meeting

6 May 2020

From Kitchens to Comets – Hunting for molecules with a spectroscope – Webinar

This week’s webinar will introduce us to the fascinating topic of spectroscopy. Hugh Allen, Cha

BAA Meeting

2 May 2020

SPA ‘Starting from Scratch’ astrophotography workshop – Postponed

This SPA workshop covers all aspects of astrophotography at a beginner’s level, whether with DSLR/mi

External event

1 May 2020

Mercury and Venus Section Meeting – York – Postponed

This meeting has now been postponed until 2021 This year’s Mercury and Venus Section meeting will be

BAA Meeting

29 April 2020

Twilight Tour of the Moon – Webinar

Weather permitting, this week’s Wednesday webinar will be a live Twilight Tour of the Moon from Davi

BAA Meeting

25 April 2020

Spring Webinar

We are pleased to announce a Spring Webinar, with two speakers or were due to present at the postpon

BAA Meeting

24 April 2020

A Special Image for the 30th Anniversary of the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope – Webinar

With kind permission of the ESA/Hubble Public Information Office we are pleased to present this

BAA Meeting

22 April 2020

Two Variable Stars in the Northern Crown – Webinar

The subject of this week’s webinar will be Two Variable Stars in the Northern Crown given

BAA Meeting | Variable Stars

15 April 2020

Sir Patrick Moore – Early Life, Mentors and Notebooks (Part I) – Webinar

This week’s webinar will be the first of two on Sir Patrick Moore – Early Life, Mentors and Not

BAA Meeting

8 April 2020

Venus Live – Webinar

Weather permitting, this week’s Wednesday webinar will be a live viewing of Venus from David Arditti

BAA Meeting

3 April 2020

BAA Winchester Weekend – CANCELLED

Friday-Sunday April 3-5 – BAA Winchester Weekend Sparsholt College, Winchester, SO21 2NF Main m

BAA Meeting

1 April 2020

Prospects for C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) – Webinar

Our first weekly webinar will be on the Prospects for C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) given by Nick James, th

BAA Meeting

25 March 2020

Special General Meeting and BAA Meeting – Cancelled


BAA Meeting

21 March 2020

Practical Astronomy Show – Postponed to 2020 September 26

We have been advised that the organisers have postponed this meeting to 2020 September 26. The Pract

External event

14 March 2020

Deep Sky Section Annual Meeting – Now Postponed

M27 – David FinneganPlease note that due to Coronavirus we have reluctantly taken the decision to po

BAA Meeting

25 January 2020

BAA Meeting


BAA Meeting

7 December 2019

BAA Christmas Meeting

WE ARE SORRY BUT THIS MEETING IS NOW FULL. If you have booked a place and now cannot come please let

BAA Meeting

17 November 2019

Equipment & Techniques Section Meeting

This will be a day-long meeting at Bedford School, De Parys Avenue, Bedford. A hot lunch, tea or cof

BAA Meeting

6 November 2019



Council meeting

4 November 2019



Council meeting

30 October 2019

BAA Annual General Meeting and BAA Meeting

BAA Annual General Meeting and Ordinary Meeting Please note – This is the last Meeting at Burli

BAA Meeting

25 October 2019

Back to Basics Workshop, Rickmansworth

Are you new to Astronomy? Then the BAA “Back to Basics” Workshop is for YOU!   The British Astr

BAA Meeting

12 October 2019

Observers’ Workshop – Solar, Aurora & NLC, and Deep Sky

Organisers: Lyn Smith, Sandra Brantingham and Callum PotterCo-Host Inverclyde SkywatchersFeaturing B

BAA Meeting