Articles in the BAA Journal

Recent papers in the Journal with historical themes are listed below. Several have public access preview links, but access to the full PDFs and the complete Journal archives is limited to members only. To become a member and gain full access, join the BAA here.

“Early Members of the New South Wales Branch of the British Astronomical Association” – Nick Lomb, Wayne Orchiston, Anthony Kinder and Toner Stevenson (J. Br. Astron. Assoc, 134:3 pp 187-198)

“Harry Thornton, Leslie Rae & the rise and fall of the The Moon” – Martin Mobberley (J. Br. Astron. Assoc, 134:2 pp 103-116)

“Asteroids for pioneering women astronomers” – Mike Frost (J. Br. Astron. Assoc, 133:6 pp 346-347)

“A chronology of some lunar drawings by Galileo Galilei” – Giancarlo Favero (J. Br. Astron. Assoc, 133:5 pp 293-296)

“The New South Wales Branch of the BAA & the Sydney University Observatory” – Nick Lomb (J. Br. Astron. Assoc, 133:4 pp 241-244)

“The enigmatic Miss Cicely M. Botley (1902–1991)” – Martin Mobberley (J. Br. Astron. Assoc, 133:2 pp 89-101)

“The Revd George Fisher (1794-1873) – Arctic Astronomer” – Mike Frost (J. Br. Astron. Assoc, 132:6 pp 365-372)

“British Isles aurorae, 1560-1715, Part II 1644-1715” – John Simpson (J. Br. Astron. Assoc, 132:3 pp 153-167)

“British Isles aurorae, 1560–1715, Part I: 1560–1644” – John Simpson (J.Br. Astron Assoc. 132:2  pp 87-102)

“J. H. Schröter & the ghost mountains of Venus” – Richard Baum (J.Br. Astron Assoc. 131:6 pp 350-359)

“Reginald Lawson Waterfield (1900-1986), eclipse chaser & comet photographer extraordinaire: Part 2” – Martin Mobberley (J.Br. Astron Assoc. 131:4 pp 236-249) PDF (Members only)
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“Three Girton astronomers” – Bill Barton and Mike Frost (J.Br. Astron Assoc. 131:3 pp 141-142) PDF (Members only)

“Reginald Lawson Waterfield (1900-1986), eclipse chaser & comet photographer extraordinaire: Part 1” – Martin Mobberley (J.Br. Astron Assoc. 131:3 pp 158-170) PDF (Members only)
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“David Sinden (1932-2005): A life in optics” – John Nichol (J.Br. Astron Assoc. 131:2 pp 81-92) PDF (Members only)
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“In remembrance of Maria Winckelmann” – Janice McClean (J.Br. Astron Assoc. 130:6 pp 332-333) PDF (Members only)
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“Mary Acworth Evershed and Sheila Anne Boulter – the two female directors of the Historical Section” – Bill Barton and Mike Frost (J.Br. Astron Assoc. 130:6 pp 335-336) PDF (Members only)

“Maria Mitchell, the Danish comet medal & early American astronomy” – Jacqueline Mitton (J.Br. Astron Assoc. 130:6 pp 349-356) PDF (Members only)
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“Thomas G.E.Elger at Kempston – nine years that ‘saved’ amateur selenography” – Nigel Longshaw (J.Br. Astron Assoc. 130:5 pp 285-288) PDF (Members only)
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“The astronomical observations & connections of Henry Prescott (1649-1719)” -Richard Sargeant (J Br. Astron Assoc. 130:4 pp 210-218) PDF (Members only)
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“Fiametta Wilson: A centennial appreciation” -Bill Barton and Mike Frost (J Br. Astron Assoc. 130:3 pp 136-137) PDF (Members only)
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“Roland L.T. Clarkson: a Suffolk astronomer” – Richard Mckim (J Br. Astron Assoc. 130:2 pp 83-94) PDF (Members only)
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“Naked eye sunspot observations: a critical review of pre-telescopic western reports” – John Simpson (J Br. Astron Assoc. 130:1 pp 15-31) PDF (Members only)
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“John S. Glasby: a BAA engima” – Martin Mobberley (J Br. Astron Assoc. 129:4 pp 203-215) PDF (Members only)
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